Scarlet Masque Theatre Journal New Beginnings and Fond Farewells Vol. 1 | Page 106
Nathan Hubert
Simply Watching
I’ve been fucking Mark from the third floor for the past two
JASON sits down in the foldable chair, still unaware of
what ALEXIS is saying. He closes his eyes, and starts to
picture what had happened in his mind.
So I walked up to this woman who I had seen in the room when
Barry and I were drinking. She was probably like twenty-five or
so, and she was wearing a dress. So there I am, at a party with
no watch, and no Barry, walking up to this strange woman who was
probably twenty-five, and was wearing a dress, and I don’t even
have a drink with me! Gosh, this woman must’ve thought I was a
mess, haha!
ALEXIS, realizing that she won’t be able to get through to
JASON until his story is done, goes back to her phone.
I think we’re in love.
Here’s what I probably looked like.
JASON gets up, puts his hands in his pockets, and begins to
walk awkwardly hunched around the room.
Just like that, haha! This woman must’ve thought I was crazy,
JASON sits back down in the foldable chair and resumes his
I didn’t lose my wedding ring. I sold it last week to pay for my
“business trip.” And by that, I mean fucking Mark in a beachside