Nathan Hubert Simply Watching
JASON pauses for an answer , but none comes , so he continues .
JASON ( CONT ’ D ) So there I was , sharing a beer with my old chum , Barry , when I noticed that my new watch was missing . I set down my drink , and asked Barry to excuse me while I went to go find it .
ALEXIS turns her attention back to her phone .
ALEXIS ( Sarcastically .) Yeah ?
JASON So there I was , walking around the party , but this time without Barry . Barry was by the table , keeping an eye on my drink for me . Barry is such a nice-
ALEXIS ( Looking up from her phone , annoyed .) Alright , I get it . Barry was holding your drink while you went to look for your watch . Where is it ?
JASON Ah , yes , the watch . So there I was , looking for my watch at the party without Barry .
ALEXIS rolls her eyes and sighs . She starts looking at her phone again as JASON continues with his story .
JASON ( CONT ’ D ) I was looking at the floor because obviously , that ’ s where my watch would be if I had lost it at the party . Unless someone picked it up , which would mean that I was looking in all the wrong places , haha .
ALEXIS ( To no one .) This is pretty .