Scarlet Masque Theatre Journal New Beginnings and Fond Farewells Vol. 1 | Page 103
Nathan Hubert
Simply Watching
Setting: It is the late 2010’s. There is a studio apartment
with few furnishings: two foldable chairs with a small
table in between, and two duffel bags.
At Rise: ALEXIS sits in one of the two chairs, fiddling
around on her phone. JASON enters SR, but ALEXIS does not
look up from her phone.
Hey, Jason.
Hey, Alexis. How was your day, sweetheart?
JASON moves to ALEXIS, kisses her on the head, and sits
down in the second chair. ALEXIS merely shrugs.
Do you know where my old watch is?
(Still staring at her phone.) What happened to your new watch? I
just bought it for you like a month ago.
Well it’s actually a funny story. You remember how I went to
that party last night?
(Uninterested.) Yeah.
JASON gets up and begins to tell the story, moving about as
if it were happening right now. ALEXIS looks up from her
phone and watches JASON.
So there I was, sharing a beer with one of my old school mates;
you remember Barry, right?