SBK Catalunya | Page 29

For elite athletes nobody needs reminding that they have to eat right to stay in the best possible shape . Whatever anybody says , WorldSBK athletes are just that - pro athletes - as much as any soccer player or runner . If they want to win , of course . Central to performance and endurance while on the bike , pushing every single session and race is what the body consumes , how it consumes it , and therefore which makes planning out what each rider intakes for best performance is a science in itself . They burn a lot of energy , they need a lot of energy to balance themselves out . Often they use supplements to their actual food intake , and it can all get a bit complicated for a rider juggling several things , and with his or here own idiosyncrasies . To simplify our understanding but stay in close touch with the technical reality we spoke with Albert Cabestany from the KRT squad . He is the ‘ Human Performance Manager ’ but one major part of his job is in planning each riders ’ nutrition requirements .
“ I ’ m coordinating with nutritionists , physical trainers , doctors , physios , everything ,” said Albert . But for now , let ’ s talk intake and nutrition . His two WorldSBK riders are Jonathan Rea and Alex Lowes , both very fit human beings before Albert arrived on the scene . He did not have to ask for massive changes from each rider , for that reason . “ We don ’ t change a lot the things , especially with Johnny because he became three times world champion ( before Albert got the job ) so he was working quite good ,” said Albert outside the KRT hospitality unit at the Navarra round . “ There is always something to improve , but my job especially with Johnny was to adapt a little bit more the way he was training , and according to his nutrition . So , we have been working with a nutritionist in Barcelona . I was coordinating that . So basically we adapt little by little .” The results , as you may imagine , are analysed to check it is going as planned inside the body . “ Every single year we perform several blood tests and urine tests and with the results we adapt the nutrition and the supplementary plan also . They have a normal diet like every day , but then we provide them a lot of