SBK Catalunya | Page 30

EXCITING CONTENT supplements .” So , what do we mean by supplements , exactly ? Vitamins ? Proteins ? “ Vitamins ,” agreed Albert . “ No proteins , but vitamins , carbs , fatty acids … Supplements is always a part of the food . We take care especially with the food , but also the things that we need to improve . Especially with people coming from , for example , the UK . There is not too much sun , so vitamin D levels normally are not good enough . So , we provide them with vitamin D in order to perform better for the muscles . Magnesium , fatty acids , Omega-3 , and a lot of different kinds of things . Every two or three months , we perform that blood test and with that result we adapt every two or three months the supplementary plan also .” Serious stuff , but racing to win at this level is a serious business . So what should any and all riders try to take out of their diets , before they need to put supplements back in ? “ Especially we need to reduce the fat . That ’ s for sure . Fat is not good for anyone , especially with the athletes like they are . There is more weight that is not useful weight . We can put some more muscle that has more density , but this muscle you will use . But then you have to keep the balance right , because in our sport we don ’ t need people with a lot of muscle . You need enough muscle but not too much ‘ space ’ for the weight and for the performance . They are not body builders . There is kind of a strength that we need to develop . So , fat ? Reduce as much as possible .” Like in a good comedy routine , timing is everything . Well , it is vitally important as well , let ’ s say , after what you should be eating is worked out . “ it ’ s not about what we need to take in , it ’ s when ,” said Albert . I am intrigued , let ’ s hear more about that ? “ If you need to perform the day after and you take a big plate of carbs , you will
have maybe bad digestion and you will be tired , even if those carbs will help you in terms of energy for tomorrow . So , it ’ s more about when and not what . The what is quite clear for them . A lot of veggies and fruits , carbs also , and protein . But there is a balance with all of that . Once again , it ’ s not about the amount . It ’ s more about when . We started to improve that concept and now they are working so well . We just adjust some small details , but in general , they work by themselves and I support them when they have some questions .” So what about race weekends , when intense bouts of exercise culminate in three races , two long and one short and sharp burst of energy burning ? How do you keep the riders ‘ tanked off ’ with energy , but not overburdened with excess energy ? What do they eat at races ? “ Each rider has more or less their own routine ,” said Albert , introducing another important point in the whole equation - individuals and their own person psychology and well-being overall . “ This is one thing that we cannot change , because if you change this routine before the race many things happen . There ’ s some gaps that you can create . When I came here , I know Jonathan likes rice with salmon - plain - before each race . He ’ s used to eating that . Or plain chicken with rice also , small portions . Alex likes Acai bowls and other kinds of bowls with veggies . So basically at dinner they eat whatever they want , more or less , but in lunchtime before the race , there is not a huge consistency in terms of quantity . It ’ s more some carbs and some fatty acids also for the inflammation . Fatty acids also help reduce inflammation .” Eat what you like at dinner ? More or less , which is not maybe what many of us were expecting to hear . And first thing ? Breakfast Saturday , Sunday on race days ? “ They take an oat bowl , it ’ s a kind of cereal ( Porridge ) with milk . Johnny likes that . Alex , too . Another kind with some fruits also . But it ’ s still quite light . Some