San Lameer Newsflash/Nuusflits October / Oktober 2016 | 页面 3
Authorized drivers
No person shall drive a golf cart or vehicle within the estate, with the
inclusion of the golf course, unless he/she is 16 years old and at least
holds a valid motorcycle license, learner's license excluded, or is 18
years old and at least is a holder of a valid driver's license, learner's
license excluded.
Gemagtigde bestuurders met betrekking tot gholfkarre
Niemand mag 'n gholfkarretjie of voertuig binne die landgoed bestuur,
met die insluiting van die gholfbaan, tensy hy / sy 16 jaar oud is en ten
minste 'n geldige motorfietslisensie het nie, uitgesluit leerlinglisensie,
of 18 jaar oud is en ten minste die houer van 'n geldige rybewys is nie,
uitgesluit leerlinglisensie.
Access Codes
Registered homeowners to request an access code for all visitors
/guests staying at their Villas. Homeowners not allowed to
request access codes for any contractors working at their villa.
Contractors have to follow the normal procedures when entering
the premises.
Geregistreerde huiseienaars moet 'n toegang-kode versoek vir alle
besoekers / gaste by hul Villas. Huiseienaars word nie toegelaat om
toegangkodes vir enige kontrakteurs wat by hul villa werk te versoek
nie. Kontrakteurs moet normale prosedures volg wanneer hul die
landgoed binnetree.
Tags and remotes
Tags and remotes are for homeowners use only. No tags or
remotes to be handed to contractors etc. in order to gain access
onto the estate.
Skyfies en afstandbeheer
Skyfies en afstandbeheer is net vir huiseienaars se gebruik. Geen
skyfies of afstandbeheer mag aan kontrakteurs, ens oorhanding word
om toegang op die landgoed te kry nie.
Dogs and other Pets
Please be advised that no dogs or other pets are allowed on the
Honde en ander Troeteldiere
Neem asseblief kennis dat geen honde of ander diere op die landgoed
toegelaat word nie.
We thank you for your co-operation with regards to the above.
Ons bedank u vir u samewerking ten opsigte van bogenoemde.
Estate Security
Landgoed Sekuriteit
Dawid Malan
Security Manager / Sekuriteitsbestuurder
San Lameer has been receiving a lot of complaints with regards to monkeys on the
Estate. Please read the below information to understand the movement of
monkeys and how to prevent them from entering your villas here at San Lameer:
San Lameer het baie klagtes met betrekking tot ape op die Landgoed ontvang. Lees
asseblief die onderstaande inligting om die beweging van ape te verstaan en hoe om
te verhoed dat hulle jou villa hier by San Lameer binnegaan:
Monkeys will spend more time protecting the high food yielding areas of their
territory simply because it's so valuable to them e.g. fruiting trees, feeding sites,
unprotected dustbins, and unprotected homes with food available.
Ape sal meer tyd spandeer in die hoë voedsel opbrengsgebiede om hul grondgebied
te beskerm, bloot omdat dit so waardevol is vir hulle, byvoorbeeld: vrugtebome,
voedingareas, onbeskermde asblikke, onbeskermde huise met kos wat openlik
beskikbaar is.
The fact that monkeys in our undeveloped area of our estate cause few problems
proves that monkeys prefer to live in natural areas that have enough natural, fresh
food available to them. They eat exactly what birds eat – insects, fruit, seeds, small
lizards, eggs and small birds- and like birds they need water. So, if monkeys are
happy, so are birds. They have lived in harmony for thousands of years – it is only us
humans who have upset the balance.
If their habitat is disturbed by development, like birds, they will turn to our houses
and gardens to replace the food and habitat lost. When people provide birds with
food, they are providing monkeys with food, whether it is from our dumping sites,
rubbish bins, our bird feeders, our pet's bowls, or our kitchens. The only difference
between birds and monkeys is that monkeys can enter homes more easily to find
food. However, monkeys know this is a risk and will always prefer to find food
outside our houses rather than entering them.
Ideally, you should ensure that no food is EVER visible from a window, whether
open or closed. Monkeys will remember where they saw food through a closed
window and will return to see if they can retrieve it. If you leave your house, you
must close windows and doors and if you do not wish to do so, you must protect
your window by insect screens. The inside of your house must not be associated
with food. Homeowners and guests entering the estate are entering an
environmentally friendly area where there are wild animals and therefore must be
prepared to take special precautions. Please click on the below links to read
Die feit dat ape in ons onontwikkelde gebiede van ons landgoed nie te veel probleme
veroorsaak nie, bewys dat ape eerder verkies om in hul natuurlike gebiede wat
genoeg natuurlike vars kos aan hulle beskikbaar stel, te bly. Hulle eet presies wat
voëls eet - insekte, vrugte, sade, klein akkedisse, eiers en klein voëltjies- en soos voëls
het hulle ook water nodig. Dus, as die ape gelukkig is, is die voëls ook gelukkig. Hulle
leef al duisende jare saam in harmonie - dit is net ons mense wat die balans ontstel.
As hul habitat deur ontwikkeling versteur word, soos die van voëls, sal hulle afwyk na
ons huise en tuine om die kos en habitat wat verlore is, te vervang. Wanneer mense
vir voëls kos verskaf, verskaf hul ook die ape met kos, of dit nou van ons
stortingsterreine, asblikke, voël voerbakke, troeteldierbakke of ons kombuise af kom.
Die enigste verskil tussen voëls en ape is dat ape makliker in huise kan inkom om kos
te vind. Maar die ape weet ook dat dit 'n risiko is en sal altyd verkies om kos te vind
buite ons huise eerder as om dit binne te gaan.
Ideaal gesproke moet jy versek