San Francisco Language Access Ordinance Compliance Summary Report 2024 2024 LAO Compliance Summary report | Page 36

The FY 2022-2023 language access community grantees included :
The grantees completed approximately 1,285 hours of interpretation to help community members access City services and an additional 400 interpretation hours to assist them with other needs , resulting in 1,685 total interpretation hours .
The FY 2022-2023 language access community grantees included :

Asociación Mayab

The mission of the Asociación Mayab is to create the conditions that allow for the optimal development of the Yucatec Maya community in the San Francisco Bay Area . Asociación Mayab is a non-profit organization based in San Francisco that provides Maya immigrant families in the Bay Area with social services and emergency support , promotes Yucatec Maya cultural values , and serves as a bridge for communication between the community and local authorities , consulates and Mexican Yucatecan governments . Asociación Mayab receives a language access grant to strengthen local indigenous language services capacity by conducting community interpreter trainings for speakers of Mayan dialects .

Language Access Network

Funded by OCEIA since 2012 , the Language Access Network of San Francisco ( LANSF ) is a coalition of six community-based organizations that provide community education on language access and feedback to City departments on best practices in serving LEP communities .
LANSF assesses community access needs through conducting spot checks , collecting narratives , and identifying and sharing best practices . LANSF also supports City departments by participating in Language Access Advisory Committees , meeting with City departments to discuss language access needs and practices , and helping to address emergency language access situations .