LANSF Department Spot Checks
Beyond the network ’ s community-facing work , LANSF is also available as a resource and thought partner to City agencies that are seeking to improve the accessibility of their programs and services .
LANSF consists of the following organizations :
Chinese for Affirmative Action ( CAA ) - lead and fiscal agent
African Advocacy Network ( AAN )
Arab Resource and Organizing Center ( AROC )
Central American Resource Center of San Francisco ( CARECEN SF )
Filipino Community Center ( FCC )
People Organizing to Demand Environmental and Economic Rights ( PODER )
LANSF Department Spot Checks
LANSF continued conducting spot checks during FY 2022-2023 , which informs OCEIA about the current state of language access compliance in San Francisco . Through spot checks , advocates from LANSF community-based organizations navigate Department offices and information systems to evaluate the language accessibility of City programs , services , and information .
From July 1 , 2022 to June 30 , 2023 , LANSF conducted 60 spot checks . Five of the spot checks were completed in person and 55 were completed telephonically . More information about the data can be found in the spot check feature of this report .