Language |
Telephonic Interpretations FY 2022-2023 |
Percentage Increase or Decrease Compared to FY 2021-2022 |
Telephonic Interpretations Five-Year Average ( FY 2018-2022 ) |
Cantonese 14,258 -37.60 % 58,198
Spanish 35,000 -34.28 % 136,298
Filipino 228 -75.03 % 2,858
Mandarin 2,442 -48.83 % 10,589
Russian 3,604 + 1.61 % 7,008
Vietnamese 2,148 -12.79 % 8,206
Other Languages
( Arabic , Bengali , Farsi , French , German , Hebrew , Hindi , Italian , Japanese , Korean , Laotian , Portuguese , Thai , Tigrinya , Ukrainian , and others )
4,161 -3.19 % 15,555
Although telephonic interpretations generally decreased , some City departments reported stable or increasing call volume in their telephonic interpretation . For example , the Human Services Agency ( HSA ) reported that its telephonic interpretation call volume increased from 17,151 calls in FY 2021-2022 to 18,096 ( a 5.51 % increase ) due to increased caseloads .