For FY 2022-2023 , there were an estimated 61,841 total telephonic interpretations , 35,000 ( 56.60 %) in Spanish , 14,258 ( 23.06 %) in Cantonese , 4,161 ( 6.73 %) in other languages , 3,604 ( 5.83 %) in Russian , 2,442 ( 3.95 %) in Mandarin , 2,148 ( 3.47 %) in Vietnamese , and 228 ( 0.37 %) in Filipino .
Total Telephonic Interpretations by Language , Over Time
All threshold languages have declined in total estimated volume and are well below their respective five-year averages ( FY 2018-2022 ). Following a steady increase through FY 2019-2020 , the total number of telephonic interpretations dropped dramatically in FY 2020-2021 and has continued to decrease over the past two fiscal years . For nonthreshold languages , telephonic interpretations are not yet returning to their average call volumes , though the call volumes for these languages have stabilized since FY 2020-2021 . This decrease may be attributable to a range of factors . For example , many aspects of City services and information transitioned to being more accessible online during the COVID- 19 pandemic . Implementation of the San Francisco Digital Accessibility and Inclusion Standard has also increased the amount of information and services that community members can access digitally .