San Francisco Language Access Ordinance Compliance Summary Report 2024 2024 LAO Compliance Summary report | Page 17

and interpretation projects , organize events and workshops , conduct spot checks of City services and departments ,
14 assist community members in filing language access complaints , and more . This report describes the mission and vision of the grantees , the scope of their language access grants , and outcomes from their work during the past fiscal year . A multi-year analysis of spot check data is also included .
The recommendations section of this report consists of key takeaways and guidance on strategies that Departments can use to improve their compliance with the LAO in the year ahead . These recommendations take into consideration multiple sources of information about the current state of language access in San Francisco , such as : Departments ’ selfreported compliance data , feedback from community-based organizations shared as public testimony at Immigrant Rights Commission ( IRC ) special hearings and other public meetings , and supplemental data sources like language access complaints and spot check information . Subject matter areas that are addressed by this year ’ s recommendations include improving internal training on language access policies and protocols , strengthening compliance data collection and reporting , hiring and retaining more bilingual staff , and increasing language services resources and budgets . These directives can help Departments strengthen public-facing staff awareness of best practices , increase the availability of qualified bilingual staff , and maintain sufficient budgets needed to ensure meaningful access to information and services .
A spot check is a process through which individuals evaluate the language accessibility of Department programs , services , and information . They do this by navigating through City information systems and seeking services from Department offices in non-English languages as an LEP community member seeking services would .