San Francisco Language Access Ordinance Compliance Summary Report 2024 2024 LAO Compliance Summary report | Page 16

During FY 2022-2023 , the complaints that community members filed highlighted multiple language access barriers experienced when seeking information and services from Departments in their languages . These included inadequate use of interpretation services and multilingual recorded message systems , lack of translated content in Department public notices , and insufficient communication about interpretation services at public meetings . OCEIA engaged Departments on these subjects by highlighting potential staff training gaps , discussing language services coordination best practices , and recommending more frequent communication with the public about the language services available .

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This report provides an overview of the language access activities that have taken place in San Francisco over the past fiscal year . This includes City departments ’ self-reported compliance data , activities conducted by language access community grantees , and efforts by OCEIA to improve language access and services across San Francisco . This report also includes recommendations on ways the City can improve the accessibility of Department programs and services , along with tools and resources to support Departments in their compliance work .
During the last fiscal year ( July 1 , 2022 to June 30 , 2023 ), Departments continued responding to and emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic , adapting to hybrid remote / in-person services , and increasing the number of in-person events . Department compliance data showed increases in LEP client interactions , translated materials , inperson interpretations , and Departmental use of the intake method of data collection . Compliance data showed decreases in telephonic interpretations , the number of bilingual employees Citywide , and City budgeting expenditures for language services .
In addition to Departments ’ efforts , language access community grantees are vital partners in building language access capacity , services , and justice in San Francisco . Since 2012 , OCEIA has provided grants to community-based organizations that work directly with LEP community members in San Francisco . Through these grants , communitybased organizations educate community members about language rights , conduct translation