When a community member files a complaint , OCEIA : Shares the complaint with the involved Department within 5 days ; Requests additional details from the community member or assisting organization if needed ; Reviews the complaint issue description with the LAO to determine if a violation has likely occurred ; Communicates with the Department about the compliance issues highlighted by the complaint and shares language access best practices ; Makes recommendations to the Department for resolving the complaint and preventing the language access barrier from arising again in the future ; and Monitors remediation activities and requests confirmation that recommendations were followed .
LAO complaint forms are available on OCEIA ’ s website in English , Spanish , Chinese , Filipino , and Russian .
To request additional languages : Call 415-581-2360 or email language . access @ sfgov . org .
Individuals can submit a complaint via several different formats : By using a digital complaint form ; By filling out a complaint form and emailing it to OCEIA at language . access @ sfgov . org ; By filling out a paper complaint form and mailing or bringing it to OCEIA ’ s offices at 1155 Market Street , 1st Floor ; By calling OCEIA ’ s offices at 415-581-2360 and sharing their information by phone ; By visiting OCEIA ’ s offices at 1155 Market Street , 1st Floor , and working with an OCEIA staff member to submit their complaint in person ; or By getting support from a community-based organization to fill out and submit the form .