SABI Magazine Volume 9 Issue 4 | Page 8


Extent of irrigated agriculture in South Africa : the new status quo ?

by Caren Jarmain , Adriaan van Niekerk , Jascha Muller and Ruben Goudriaan
A novel approach is being developed to routinely update outdated estimates related to South African irrigated agriculture , specifically crop water use and the surface area utilized . This article sheds some light into recent research findings . With the project entering its final year , feedback is being solicited .

This past year South Africa has been in the grip of a severe drought – some areas have been experiencing these conditions for more than two years . As a consequence , large areas under rainfed agriculture have been greatly affected . Many irrigated areas have also been affected adversely , resulting in water conservation measures and water restrictions imposed , with water supplies substantially cut .

Without water , no agricultural production can take place . As a result , in the midst of an extreme event , questions often arise around water management :
• Do we know the extent of irrigated agriculture ?
• Do we know how much water is used by and needed for irrigated agricultural production ?
• Do we know how much water is available in different water management areas ?
• Considering the uncertainties of the future : how can we empower ourselves with knowledge to ensure that we apply available water resources sustainably ?
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