SA - Burdekin WQIP Cane Implementation Plan Irrigation_FINAL 080319 (1) | Page 73

Project Funding Project lead Geographic coverage Timing Brief description
Supporting R & D
RP143C Quantifying residual soil nitrogen in sugarcane beds in the Burdekin Wilmar demonstration trials assessing cane productivity and water quality impacts of mill by-products ( SRA Projects ) WW001 Improved management practices of legume crop residues for maximal economic and environmental benefits Improved water quality outcomes from on-farm nitrogen management ( EEF )
Bioreactors for the GBR
SyncFert ( Synchronised controlled release fertiliser ) StoolZippa trial
Barratta Creek Action Group monitoring
QG OGBR $ 57,584
QG OGBR $ 164,600
SRA $ 83,854 / yr for 3 years
QG OGBR $ 300,000
QG OGBR $ 465,929
QG OGBR $ 157,000 DAF $ 16,500
DAF $ 70,000
Lower Burdekin sugarcane
Farm trials to measure nitrate fluxes that moved off-farm via run-off from rainfall events assessing timing of losses after application .
BBIFMAC , Wilmar
Burdekin and Herbert
Water quality monitoring for different mill by-product and application
strategies on irrigated and rain-fed sugar cane farming systems to
inform and assist in on-going development of mill by-product guidelines .
GBR sugarcane areas
This project aims to address N losses from legume residues . It will investigate a suite of N-efficient legume residue management strategies through manipulating legume N mineralisation ( release ), capturing excess mineral N , or inhibiting formation of the mobile and vulnerable nitrate N .
UQ , CSIRO , DES Wet Tropics , Burdekin , Mackay
Burdekin and Wet Tropics
2016-2018 Utilises existing farm trials at identified N loss ‘ hot spots ’ to test PUYP as the basis for determining fertiliser N rates and compare EEFs with standard N fertilisers for minimising N losses , and to examine the water quality benefits that derive from such practice changes . Productivity , economic and environmental indicators will validate these strategies for reducing surplus N and provide recommendations for enhanced BMP ’ s .
2017-2020 Implementation and monitoring of a mix of 3 denitrification bioreactor systems ( denitrification beds ) in Burdekin cane systems to establish efficiency at reducing pollutants in shallow groundwater .
GBR sugarcane areas
Develop and trial a novel controlled release fertiliser ( CRF ) product with a biodegradable coating using small scale field trials .
The StoolZippa was designed by DAF to address issues related to cover
over Imidacloprid application . This project will validate the StoolZippa in
the Burdekin region where the primary mode of loss is generally
through irrigation tailwater . Funding will help to promote the StoolZippa
with replicated scientific data , so that growers can make a decision
about how to best manage the application of Imidacloprid .
Barratta Creek Action Group ( BCAG ) - BRIA Irrigators Committee , BBIFMAC , Burdekin
Barratta Creek
Completed 2016-2017
Designed to identify where in the catchment nutrient , herbicide and pesticide loads were originating and identify which products were contributing to the highest loads to guide potential improvements in individual farm management practices . Provided a farmer / industry driven approach to water quality monitoring with industry partners . Todate the project has not been successful in obtaining further funding .