SA - Burdekin WQIP Cane Implementation Plan Irrigation_FINAL 080319 (1) | Page 72

Project Funding Project lead Geographic coverage Timing Brief description
Reef Trust IV : Repeated Tenders Burdekin
Project Catalyst
Reef Trust III : Project Catalyst Revamp
Reef Trust III : Reef Alliance – Growing a Great Barrier Reef
Reef Trust IV : Support of cane farmer trials of enhanced efficiency fertiliser
Reef Trust IV : Complete Nutrient Management
RP161C : Burdekin cane farmer engagement
Rural Water Use Efficiency – Irrigation Futures ( RWUE-IF ) program
RP169C Connecting cane farmers to local wetlands
Reef Trust V : Repair and Restoration of Priority Coastal Habitat and Wetlands
DoEE $ 7.43 million
DoEE $ 634,500
DoEE $ 875,000 *
DoEE $ 6.5 million
DoEE $ 1.8 million for Burdekin component Joint investment with QG OGBR DoEE $ 3.38 million
QG OGBR , SRA $ 1.6 million
DNRM $ 2.8 million but across all regions
QG OGBR $ 296,000
DoEE $ 5 million across regions
NQ Dry Tropics
NQ Dry Tropics
Catchment Solutions
NQ Dry Tropics
Farmacist , SRA , David Defranciscis
Lower Burdekin sugarcane
Lower Burdekin sugarcane
Lower Burdekin sugarcane
Whole of Burdekin including Lower Burdekin sugarcane
Lower Burdekin sugarcane ( also in Wet Tropics and Mackay )
All cane growing regions focussing on Burdekin Lower Burdekin sugarcane
Lower Burdekin sugarcane
Lower Burdekin sugarcane
2018-2023 Offers financial incentives to sugarcane farmers to reduce the amount of nitrogen applied to their farms and improve their water management practices through a two stage Competitive Tender process .
Completed 2010-2015
Supports innovative farmers cane farmers to develop and test management practices that improve the quality of the water leaving sugarcane crops ( supported by the Coca-Cola Foundation )
2016-2019 Supports innovative farmers cane farmers to move beyond industry best practice for nutrient , irrigation , pesticide and soil management . Part of the integrated Phase III programme across all NRM regions to support adoption of improved agricultural land management practices .
2016-2019 Targeted extension and training program that aims to improve water quality by enabling landholders to change practices . Delivered by an integrated Great Barrier Reef wide consortium of farmers , graziers , Natural Resource Management organisations and industry groups .
2016-2021 Supports broader trialling of enhanced efficiency fertilisers and accelerates the evaluation of the technology . Includes technical advice and extension services to assist growers to develop farm-based nutrient management plans and trial and evaluate the impacts of the enhanced energy fertilisers on farm productivity and profitability .
2017-2022 Provision of agronomy advice and recommendations to 425 cane farmers to support improved nutrient management planning on their farms , tailored to their specific circumstances .
2018-2020 Further support for the Complete Nutrient Planning for Cane Farming project will provide practical assistance to cane farmers in the Burdekin to adjust their fertiliser application rates to industry standard ( SIX EASY STEPS ).
1999 to present
Partnership between the Queensland Government and major rural industries where the government funds industry groups to deliver agreed services to irrigators to achieve water use efficiencies . Includes financial incentives to implement conjunctive use bores and to make irrigation system improvements ; undertaking irrigation system evaluations and the installation of irrigation information management system sensors . Groundwater harvesting recently introduced .
2017-2019 Providing opportunities for cane farmers that adjoin two wetlands to reduce irrigation and nutrients to benefit the wetlands , without negatively affecting their profitability .
Greening Australia
Across GBR regions
Addresses the loss and modification of coastal habitat and wetlands , which provide vital ecosystem services important to the health of the Great Barrier Reef , through the rehabilitation of priority wetland areas in Reef catchments .