SA - Burdekin WQIP Cane Implementation Plan Irrigation_FINAL 080319 (1) | Page 74

Project Funding Project lead Geographic coverage Timing Brief description
Determining the role of a constructed surface-flow treatment wetland system in improving water quality in the Barratta Creek Catchment
QG OGBR $ 192,500
* Noting this includes funding for trials which was provided via other programs in previous years ).
Productivity Services , Farmacist , DAF and Wilmar
Barratta Creek
Demonstration of the feasibility of converting an abandoned 2 hectare
borrow pit , into a low cost , low energy , constructed surface-flow
treatment wetland system in the Barratta Creek Catchment in the
Burdekin . Water quality inputs and outputs from the system will be
monitored , recorded and analysed . Although the target pollutant will be
nitrate , which can be rapidly and permanently removed from wetlands ,
project collaborators will include design for treatment and analysis of
pesticides .