SA - Burdekin WQIP Cane Implementation Plan Irrigation_FINAL 080319 (1) | Page 19

Part I : Recommended approach for improved sugarcane irrigation management in the Lower Burdekin for better water quality outcomes .
Part I is supported by : �
Part II : Synthesis of the current understanding of water quality outcomes from irrigation management in sugarcane in the Lower Burdekin , including updated information since the finalisation of the Burdekin WQIP 2016 ; and Part III : Documentation and evaluation of investment ( current and past ) in improved irrigation management for water quality improvement in the Lower Burdekin .
It is the first phase in developing a comprehensive Implementation Plan for this high priority sugarcane region . Part of the reason for this phased approach is that this project is not operating in isolation and there are a number of directly related initiatives also underway ( in parallel ) that this work is ( and must be ) linked to and integrated with to be successful . This includes :
1 . DAF Enhanced Extension Program 2018 – 2020 : The cross regional program aims to substantially enhance collaborative arrangements between extension providers and build networks that support action for water quality improvement in GBR catchments . This involves development of a Regional Extension Plan to provide a strategic view of on-ground delivery in the Lower Burdekin sugarcane industry based on priorities , previous and current programs , needs and gaps consistent with regional water quality priorities . The draft plan is due in September 2018 . Flexible and Peer-to-Peer funds have been devolved to Lower Burdekin extension providers to support delivery of the Plan . Contact : Terri Buono , DAF .
2 . SRA Adoption Program : SRA will engage sugarcane industry groups to support industry led adoption activities with specific efforts in the Lower Burdekin . The program includes the development of a Regional Adoption and Priorities Strategy for the Burdekin region by December 2018 , followed by the development of an overall Industry Strategy and Investment Plan ( including Annual Operating Plans ), and the identification of investment priorities , project development and co-investment through regional working groups . Contact : Anthony Curro , SRA .
3 . Lower Burdekin Groundwater Strategy Project : DNRME is leading the development of a groundwater strategy to address the threat that rising groundwater levels and soil salinity pose to the economic productivity of the agriculture-rich Lower Burdekin region in North Queensland . Consultation on a Discussion Paper has been completed ( DNRM , 2017 ) and the draft strategy is due for consultation by December 2018 . Contact : Patrick Levings , DNRME .
The potential linkages between these projects are clear , and many of the supporting tasks are complementary to this project . Therefore , it is strongly recommended that this Implementation Plan is viewed as a component of the desire to develop a coordinated strategy for supporting water quality improvement from the sugarcane areas in the Lower Burdekin catchment ( as outlined in the Burdekin WQIP 2016 ).