SA - Burdekin WQIP Cane Implementation Plan Irrigation_FINAL 080319 (1) | Page 18

targets nitrogen discharge from sugarcane in the Burdekin ( up to $ 11 million , 2016-2022 ). Most recently , further funding has been committed through Reef Trust 3 to the Reef Alliance Project , ‘ Growing a Great Barrier Reef towards sugarcane extension , targeted incentives and innovation program ’, totalling $ 7.1 million ( 2016-2019 ).
The success of these programs is measured through feedback from participants , monitoring , evaluation and modelling at a range of scales , largely through the Paddock to Reef program 2 . As presented in the 2016 Report Card 3 the catchment modelling predicts the reductions in anthropogenic loads ( the ‘ human influence ’ estimated using the Source Catchments modelling by subtracting the modelled pre-development loads from the modelled current total loads ; McCloskey et al ., 2017 ) for the Burdekin Region between 2009 and 2016 shown in Table 1.1 . These reductions represent significant progress towards the Reef Plan 2013 reduction targets ( by 2018 ) for TSS , particulate nitrogen ( PN ) and particulate phosphorus ( PP ) in particular . While the progress towards the DIN and PSII herbicide targets is slower at approximately 50 per cent of the targets , it is still significant in the timeframes and taking into account historical practices .
Table 1.1 . Predicted end of catchment anthropogenic load reductions reported for the Burdekin NRM region between 2009 and 2016 ( Source : 2016 Report Card ).
Predicted anthropogenic load reduction as a result of management practice change , 2009-2016
Reef Plan 2013 target reduction ( by 2018 )
Progress towards the target
Total suspended sediment
17.7 per cent
20 per cent
88.5 per cent achievement
Dissolved Inorganic
25.5 per cent
50 per cent
51 per cent achievement
Particulate Nitrogen
15.7 per cent ,
20 per cent
78.5 per cent
Particulate Phosphorus
16.1 per cent
20 per cent
80.5 per cent
PSII herbicides
25.1 per cent
60 per cent
41.8 per cent achievement
Despite this progress , it is recognised that more effort is required to reduce DIN and PSII herbicide losses from sugarcane areas from the Lower Burdekin sugarcane area . The Burdekin WQIP 2016 provides a strong foundation for guiding future investment to address these issues and should be used as the first point of guidance for management prioritisation in the region . It provides a comprehensive overview of current understanding of the sources of pollutants from sugarcane , priority management options and likely costs , as at 2016 . However , implementation of the strategies and actions included in the WQIP requires more detailed consideration of practical on-ground approaches for targeted and coordinated delivery of extension , incentives and BMP projects to the sugarcane industry in the Burdekin region , to ensure effective progress towards the targets and goals of the WQIP . It is also important for management decisions to be supported by the best available information .
As part of the Reef Trust 3 , this process has already progressed to some extent in addressing DIN management in the region with a Burdekin Sugarcane Working Group engaged to inform the design of the program . The group assisted with the identification of regional priorities , opportunities for collaboration across water quality projects and refinement of implementation plans to address specific regional requirements . The group consisted of representatives from the sugarcane industry , Natural Resource Management groups , agribusiness , research and Queensland Government .
The focus of this project is therefore to identify further implementation actions for tackling irrigation management in the region for the purpose of reducing nutrient and pesticide losses to accelerate progress towards the water quality targets .
This document is presented in three main parts .
2 https :// www . reefplan . qld . gov . au / measuring-success / paddock-to-reef /
3 https :// www . reefplan . qld . gov . au / measuring-success / report-cards / 2016 /