Part I : Recommended approach for improved sugarcane irrigation management in the Lower Burdekin for better water quality outcomes
The following information is developed on the basis of the information contained in Part II and Part III of this report . Readers are referred to this supporting information to justify the recommendations made here . It is presented upfront in the document as it is the key outcome of the project that is most likely to be of greatest interest to the delivery partners in the region .
2 Proposed Implementation Plan , 2018-2023
As clearly stated above in Section 1 , this document essentially provides Phase 1 of a process that is required to develop a fully coordinated Implementation Plan for the region . This document is relevant to the key delivery partners in the region , and investors . In particular , it provides a strong basis to guide future investment in the region through the $ 433 million Australian Government Reef Trust Partnership 2018-2023 being administered by the Great Barrier Reef Foundation 4 which includes approximately $ 201 million to improve water quality on the GBR .
2.1 Principles and suggested themes of the proposed Implementation Plan
Drawing on the information contained in Part II and Part III of this document , the primary principles and themes recommended for the Implementation Plan are listed on the following page .
A number of sub-programs or themes for actions in the Implementation Plan are identified below . These suggestions are drawn from various sources of information described in Part II and III , and consultation with the Burdekin Cane Extension Group . These include :
1 . Approach for supporting sugarcane farmers to adopt improved management practices - e . g . extension , education , training , financial incentives , communication – and combinations of these . 2 . Delivery arrangements - establishing or maintaining a coordination mechanism . 3 . Supporting information , monitoring and evaluation – including specification of minimum data and information requirements for projects , monitoring needs and evaluation and review processes .
4 . Reporting and communication – primary reporting mechanisms and strategy for communicating program outcomes and supporting knowledge .
5 . Supporting research , development and innovation – identification of priority information needs and priority knowledge gaps ( drawing on those identified in this report , the 2017 Scientific Consensus Statement and the Reef 2050 WQIP RD & I Strategy ).
4 https :// www . barrierreef . org / science-with-impact / reef-partnership