S O U L M A T E S (SasuNaruSasu Magazine) Soulmates Magazine Nº2 | Page 8
The other side of the problem are those who
have a habit of constant updates, amazing!
However, this is not always good. Even
when we find someone who can update
once, twice, or even three times a week, we
always ask for more, as if it were not
enough for us. It's true, SNS will never be
enough! But going back to the problem, if
the writers making a great effort to have a
constant updating habit, all we should do is
to thank them, not demand for more. We do
not know what they have to do or what
they must sacrifice to bring us more of our
ship. Demanding can makes us look like un-
grateful people and we do not want that, do
we? These acknowledgments and positive
comments are motivation for the authors
and artists to continue on doing what they
love. We must give them more of that posi-
tivism, help them and ourselves, because giv-
ing thanks is like a gift.
Again, we start with a definition. What is
constructive criticism? One of the best defi-
nitions would be:
“Constructive criticism is the personal and
detailed analysis of a topic." "...it is not a sim-
ple opinion, criticize does not mean to speak
badly or well of something. It is to give a
certain point of view about something
through clear and solid arguments.”
Possibly not all people know this definition, or
some of us have a different idea of what a criti-
cism or constructive comment is. What is the
reason for his? It is very important to learn the
difference between a critic or constructive
comment and a destructive one. If you are a
writer or an artist, surely you have recieved a
destructive comment desguised as a constructi-
ve one. Anyway, if you are a fan you could ha-
ve made a destructive comment without reali-
zing it and it is something that happens more
frequently than we might think.
Authors receive comments for their work most
of the time, some are good and others are not.
The opinion of their followers is very impor-
tant for them, but as fans we must know how
to give our opinion if we want for that person
to improve. Comments are always associated
with respect, because as we mentioned in the
previous section, we should appreciate the ef-
fort others make in order to share with us so-
mething we like. There are those who love our
OTP so much that they decided to create so-
mething and show it to the world, and just as
the authors they leave a part of themselves in
their works. For that reason and for many mo-
re, they are important, and we must know how
to express our opinions in the best way possi-
ble. It is not about leaving extensive comments,
sometimes with a simple "thank you" or "it was
great" is enough. But if we find some kind of
deficiency and we want to communicate it,
there are always better ways to do so, conside-
ring the intention with which it is said, the
words that are chosen, and the way in which
we say them.