S O U L M A T E S (SasuNaruSasu Magazine) Soulmates Magazine Nº2 | Page 25

push besides me posting about it on Tumblr. So, as a story it was exceptional, imo. IS BREAK FREE STILL AVAILABLE TO BUY? Of course! You can still buy it on Good Smile Shop! No? I heard something about the event in China, but not in Japan. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THAT? I think I just peed my pants a little. Really flattering. Unbelievably so. Western fans are cool, but to have the Japanese SNS au- dience embrace it and get what I wanted to do… I’m honored. IN YOUR OPINION, WAS BREAK FREE A SUCCESS? Yes. Oh, yes. For me as an artist, yes. It was a strong story, strong characters. It felt like a fic I would write, so I was proud it had my “voice”. I was proud that my story was voi- ced by such amazing actors. It was executed SO WELL by the production company and everyone involved. The edits were amazing. It is a beautiful, well-acted story, so strong and emotional. Did it do as well as YFAH in terms of sales? No. YFAH, I know, like did AMAZING, and it had some really great marketing push, it came out on SN day in Japan, didn’t it? And BF didn’t get a lot of WHEN YOU KNEW THAT EVERY- THING WAS READY TO MAKE THE PRODUCT PUBLIC, WHAT DID YOU FEEL? I was really excited and nervous about how people would receive it. I didn’t hear much after the recording, so I wasn’t even sure when it would be coming out. I think I was just getting out of a movie on a trip to New York City when Wanda sent an email that it was out and I should spread the word. WHICH OF ALL THE CHARACTERS DID YOU LIKE THE MOST? I always love every character, but Nobu was my baby after I wrote that, and there’s so much background for Kaito, that I love him, as well. And I have to love Takao. I lo- ved the girls, too. But clearly my favs are Nobu and Kaito. WAS THERE ONE THAT YOU DID NOT LIKE ENOUGH? Haha, not really. I mean, Nobu’s dad was very Fugaku-like, but everyone has their good and bad points, and character devel- opment is the name of the game in Break Free.