S O U L M A T E S (SasuNaruSasu Magazine) Soulmates Magazine Nº2 | Page 26

WAS THERE A DIFFICULT CHARAC- TER TO WRITE? Sometimes Kenji because I knew I wanted him to be Kaito’s guardian so to speak, but he wasn’t always as solid in my mind as I wanted him to be. I didn’t give a lot of lines to the parents, but it wasn’t really that they were hard to write or anything. DO YOU HAVE ANY FUTURE IDEAS TO CONTRIBUTE AGAIN TO THE SNS FANDOM? I don’t think there will be another drama CD, but I still have the full story of Break Free and would one day like to fully edit it and turn it into a book. In terms of SNS, I need to update fics, repost old ones to AO3, write some stuff for Dream maybe, and I’d really like to work on an SNS fic in which Naruto is transgender. I sometimes look at the stories that are out there and if there’s something I don’t see but want to read my- self, I’ll write it, or, in this case, just to offer more representation. Right now, that’s really on my mind. I have a feeling I’ll be writing SNS up until the day I die which… isn’t a bad thing at all. I’ve been around for a long time, but I still really love Naruto and Sasu- ke, their bond, and how relatable I find their characters. IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE WITH US ABOUT BREAK FREE? EVERYTHING IS VALID. Truly, Break Free is great as an original fic, but it’s so much like my SNS fics that even just listening to it while reading the English script (or maybe if you know Japanese, just the dialogue), you’ll be able to tell it’s a story by me without even seeing who wrote it. For me, that is kind of important because all the love I have for SNS (and even the sei- yuu), I put into that story. I tried to push so- me “easter eggs” that reference things from the Naruto universe as well as the actors’ other work. Noriaki played a character named Junta in Oofuri, and he was a high school baseball pitcher. Where they go for the baseball game is Junko’s hometown, I be- lieve. So, there are inside jokes. Point being, this was done with a lot of love, on my part as well as Wanda and her whole production company Leaves and Bonds, Inc. But… these fan-made projects truly rely on our community’s support, so if we don’t sup- port it enough, we won’t get more projects like these! No other fandom has a drama CD that’s fan produced and voiced by the sei- yuu, so this was a big deal. But, on a smaller scale, we just really need to keep supporting our community’s fanartists and writers or anyone who creates creative content that keeps our fandom going… also, please pur- chase a copy if you haven’t already! I think it’s a good story, and I hope you enjoy it if you’re able to listen to it! Thank you for supporting the CD, and thank you for supporting me all these years!