S O U L M A T E S (SasuNaruSasu Magazine) Soulmates Magazine Nº2 | Page 24

Takao. Kenji (named after a School Rum- ble character) was kind of that sort of Ka- kashi character, but as I was writing him, I was really imagining Oikawa because I knew who would be voicing him. So, plea- se, when you listen… I do feel the English script that comes with the CD isn’t EXACTLY the Japanese you will hear and the script is super condensed/the language watered down to shorten but, ugh, I don’t want to toot my own horn, but damn are some of those scenes just… great. But, it’s really the actors who truly brought out everything I imagined in the characters! THAT PHONE CALL! And any scenes with yelling, and any scene in a bathroom. I did notice later on there were lots of bath- room scenes and I think that’s also because of Haikyuu’s influence since Hinata was always getting stuck in a bathroom, heh! WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BE- TWEEN EPILOGUE A AND EPILOGUE B? So, I wrote four “bonus scenes” or if you want to call them sidefics. Epilogue A has two scenes that follow the main story. Epi- logue A has a scene with Takao/Nobu. It wraps up a plotpoint from the main invol- ving Takao and the Matsudaira family. The other is Kenji/Kaito. In Ep B, there is a Takao/Kenji scene where they’re more or less kind of on a date, haha, and Takao is eating pudding because Itachi likes sweets and I was also in love with the anime Saiki K at the time, and Saiki is obsessed with pudding! And then a long (flirty) scene with Nobu and Kaito. I wanted to do flirty dialogue that the actors wouldn’t consider flirty, but if you read it like Naruto and Sasuke, yeah. I won’t spoil, but I guess it’s essentially what I wanted Naruto and Sa- suke to do at the end of the manga (travel the world together). I also wanted to hear Junko say my name, so I included the word “raspberry”. WHICH ONE DO YOU RECOM- MEND BUYING? If you’re here for the SNS, Ep B. All of the bonus scenes follow the main story and may help wrap up plotpoints in the main story, but you want to hear “Naruto” and “Sasuke’s” convo. It’s pretty gay. MANY PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN WITH YOU TO SHARE THEIR OPINION ABOUT BREAK FREE? Oh, yeah. More so when it came out. I heard really positive stuff and some artists even did fanart for it. I was retweeting things I saw on Twitter. I heard that the feedback from Japanese fans was also very good. I think the only big issue I heard was b/c the art didn’t look like Naruto and Sasuke. Well, it just wasn’t going to happen twice in a row. HAVE YOU HEARD THAT BREAK FREE HAS BEEN INCLUDED IN THE MERCHANDISE OF THE SASUNARU EVENTS IN JAPAN?