S O U L M A T E S (SasuNaruSasu Magazine) Soulmates Magazine Nº2 | Page 18

say) and changing up the dialogue just so it would fit one or two lines. That meant cut- ting A LOT from the original story. Initially, Hiromi had a lot more scenes in the story (including the part where Nobu mo- ves into his new apartment). That was hard because I (and Wanda) really wanted to show the women as being strong, indepen- dent (basically what we didn’t get from Sa- kura and Hinata at the end of the manga). So, I tried to write them as being what I wanted from those two… so Hiromi was actually really cool, and so was Rin (I got to sneak in at least one Naruto name). So, definitely the script was so difficult, but it really opened my eyes to how fun that could be as a career! I’d love to do scriptwriting! HOW LONG DID IT TAKE YOU TO DO IT? Well, I started writing it in March 2016, fi- nished that at the end of April, then it was turned into a script, which I didn’t see until June? Then we spent June and July editing it, or maybe even August. I know Wanda *wanted* to do the studio recording in Sep- tember, but that didn’t happen because one of the voice actors (Yuichi Nakamura) was booked until December! But, I was dead set on him playing Takao (aka Itachi). WHAT DID YOU WANT TO SHOW WITH THE STORY OF BREAK FREE? I will say I’m only going to speak for myself and not necessarily for Wanda and Leaves and Bonds, Inc. The manga had really disap- pointed me with that ending, so I did want to show that “marriage” didn’t have to be the end game, so I knew what would hap- pen in Nobu’s situation where his parents wanted to push him toward an arranged marriage. In the original story, it’s said that Takao is gay and that was the reason why he was disowned by his parents (this may or may not kind of be picked up on in the CD, but with how much we had to cut, it would’ve detracted from the more main conflict with Nobu and his family and the arranged marriage, and Kaito’s stuff, too). Also, too, like I mentioned. I wanted to wri- te strong women who also didn’t care about marriage and babies (not that there’s anything wrong with that, ofc, I just wan- ted to show the other side of it). So I wrote Hiromi as I would write the Sakura I truly wanted to see and while Rin isn’t truly ba- sed on Hinata, I wanted another supportive and interesting younger female. In my head, Rin was an LGBT character, as well. So, yes, also inclusive! HOW EXCITING WAS IT FOR YOU TO SPEAK WITH JUNKO AND NORI- AKI? Oh my God. I can’t tell you how long I have admired Junko. Obviously I adore them both. I knew for a while that I’d be able to FaceTime during the studio recording (that happened the following December after I wrote the story) and… I have never been more nervous in my life. I had to basically sedate myself. I was going