S O U L M A T E S (SasuNaruSasu Magazine) Soulmates Magazine Nº2 | Page 17

something that would fit a script, and that script needed to fit into an hour-long CD? Luckily, the producer (Wanda Ruiz) was so amazing, she knew my process and basi- cally let me do what I wanted. However, she did give me a “theme” of sorts that I had to adhere to. I don’t know how much detail I can go into about this, so I’ll just say that she wanted it to end on a Christmas-y note as that’s when it was originally set to be re- leased. It also needed to represent that fa- milies could be made up of all kinds (uh, ba- sically… kinda… anti-ending). No hetero- normative stuff if possible. WAS THE WHOLE PROCESS DIFFI- CULT FOR YOU? I’d never say it was difficult. It was a lot of work, and during this process, I also had a death in the family. But it took me maybe a little over a month to finish the draft of the story. Pretty good considering its length, but I worked on it a lot, and I had a lot of creative freedoms. I did make up character bios at the very beginning and Wanda and I discussed the plot at length and she had access to the google doc I was writing it all in. Since Break Free was based in Tokyo, she’d correct me on cultural or geographic things. I also felt like it was difficult to walk that fine line of clearly wanting it to be a (SNS) story, but… because of some is- sues of (likeness) and, well… it couldn’t co- me across as being obvious BL, so I sort of had to bring a lot of subtext in and hope for the best. I wanted it to be romantic, but I couldn’t show it as romantic… however… subtext is fun and just as exciting as anything physical. Now, turning it into a script… then cutting that script. That was the most challenging bit of work I’ve ever done. There was a scriptwriter who did an initial draft based on my story, but she was told to try to keep everything intact, difficult task for her. But, she basically was pushed out of the process (for good reason), and it was mostly myself and Wanda editing the script down from 80/90 pages to… 30 or 40? It took 3 or 4 long attempts of us cut- ting it down (going line by line and deci- ding what had to go and what needed to