S O U L M A T E S (SasuNaruSasu Magazine) Soulmates Magazine Nº2 | Page 10

they do not know how to take criticism of their work in a good way. Of course it is not good to get to the extremes of harassment in case they delete your com- ments and do not understand what you want to say. Doing this would be going too far. However, we have another scenario that is even more known than the previous one. The- re are people who write very hurtful things and feel doubly offended when the author res- ponds with the same kind of rudeness. It is a natural reaction; If someone insults you in the street you won’t respond with a smile, will you? And unfortunately, in the end, who ends up being penalized is the author for being "rude". Therefore, again, we must base our behaviour on respect, because in order to de- mand respect you must also give it. It is not good to assume that the author is always like that, or that they are haughty and rude people; it could simply be that your comment really disturbed them a lot, or they were going through a bad momento in their lives while they were reading your review and their mood was affected. Actually the possibilities are endless, but it is not good to judge by so- mething that happened once. Naturally it has justification, but that does not mean that it should be done. We writers always want to innovate, not only for ourselves but also because we want what to do what pleases those who read us, that is why we let our imagination fly and we create 10 We research some topics to make new ideas. interesting plots and contribute something tota lly new and even a bit crazy. The sad reality of doing this is that it is not always valued. It is not wrong to have certain preferences when we read, we all have them, but it would not be bad to open up to new perspectives. What do I mean by this? Well, maybe the authors have found comments like: "Is it Naru- Sasu or SasuNaru?" This becomes disconcerting and, regardless of the couple, we work on the story and drive the reader to fall in love with it, since being in love with the couple (whatever the mode) is already a fact. There are secondary pairs in a writing, which could go against what we like. In these situa- tions most of the time the authors would put warnings or tag the couples that will found in- side the fic in order to keep people informed. If they do this, then why do we complain or de- mand another couple if from the beginning that was already involved in the fic? If we dislike it, we can stop reading at any time, nothing will happen if we do, but if the author has already defined the direction the story will take, we can not demand a change just because we do not like it. It is not wrong to open our minds a little to the "crack couples". There are great and interesting plots behind them, and we let them pass only because we do not like them. We could simply take a look and explore, and if it is not our complete pleasure we just go and look for more things to read. And not to mention the conflict with the fa- mous OoC in fics. It is true, our dear teme and dobe have a fairly defined personality, and it is sad thing that there is no accurancy to these, however, the unreal attitude is just what the term OoC means.