Greetings from the City of Winnipeg
L-R: His Worship, Mayor Brian Bowman, Chair Committee;
Theresa Antoniuk, Wally Stoyko, Public Relations
Dave Froese at the age of 94, was the
first to register for the 15th Annual
Reunion of the Permit Teachers
Ralph Trombo, Permit Teacher and
Committee Member introduced his
student Evelyn Schinkel
Permit Teachers' Reunion. In a years’ time in 2004,
28 former permit teachers met informally at the
Viscount Gort. The meeting was a success.
In 2005, Dr. Louisa Loeb, a retired Brandon
University professor and Margaret Lesperance
started the first Permit Teachers’ Reunion. Dr.
Louisa Loeb took on the position as chairperson.
Three former permit teachers, Karen Boughton,
Lavone Lesperance-Caron and Wally Stoyko joined
the committee and assisted in Program Planning.
More former permit teachers joined the reunions
but chose not to sign-up for any committees.
Thank you to Dr. Louisa Loeb for compiling a book
called “Manitoba Permit Teachers of World War II.”
Due to health reasons, in March, 2007, Dr. Louisa
Loeb couldn’t continue her term so Margaret
Lesperance completed the year as chair and
continued as chairperson for the next two years.
However, in 2009, Margaret found it too difficult
to continue, therefore, at the 5th Permit Teachers'
Reunion in 2009, elections were held and Theresa
Antoniuk became the newly elected chairperson of
the 6th Permit Teachers' Reunion for 2010.
Using an old fashioned school hand bell, Reunion
Committee Chair Theresa, welcomed fellow permit
teachers, guests and students to the 15TH annual
and final reunion. The introduction of the past
chair persons were announced: Keith Boughton
(deceased), Wally Stoyko, Jack Bock and Jack Mohr.
Regretfully, our Honorary Member, Dr. Louisa Loeb,
was unable to attend the reunion. The chairperson
also introduced the 2019 committee members
whose names were listed in the program and on the
group photo.
Introduction of former students by their teachers:
Teacher, Nettie Yarmie; Student, Joanne Fostey,
Teacher, Ralph Trombo; Student, Evelyn Schinkel
Teacher, Phyllis Lamb; Student, Donna Smith,
Teacher, Doreen Richmond; Student, Donna Barling
Teacher, Wally Stoyko; (4) Students, Veronica Tokar,