RTAM KIT - Winter 2019 RTAM_Winter19_web | Page 28

"It was a delight to see the guests enjoying themselves and dancing to the fine music. Anne Yanchyshyn, permit teacher, even had a dance with her son’s former Windsor School teacher and committee member, Wally Stoyko." Ed Drabyk, Ernie Okrainec, Leona Okrainec. Special recognition was given to Dave Froese of Winnipeg, MB: 94 years old and the first to register for the 15th reunion, also a special recognition was given to Elizabeth Bayduza from Winnipegosis, MB. who travelled the farthest to attend the reunion. The two permit teachers were recognized with a monetary gift presented by the chairperson. “In Memoriam” was presented by Karen Boughton, followed by grace prior to the delicious luncheon which was prepared and served by the courteous and pleasant staff of the Viscount Gort Hotel. The Special Presentations Event was chaired by Wally Stoyko who introduced five dignitaries and officials who brought greetings and congratulations to the permit teachers. His Worship, Mayor Brian Bowman, brought greetings on behalf of the City of Winnipeg, followed by, Ralph Groening, President of the Manitoba School Boards' Association. Kent McPherson, on behalf of James Bedford, President of the Manitoba Teachers' Society. Allan Campbell, President of the Manitoba Municipalities Association. MLA James Teitsma on behalf of Kelvin Goertzen, Minister of Education. Wally Stoyko graciously thanked the dignitaries for taking the time to bring greetings. Thank you, Wally, for getting all the dignitaries to bring greetings. Edith Alexiuk introduced and thanked the Southglen Fiddlers who entertained the Reunion Permit Teachers and guest with wonderful music. It was a delight to see the guests enjoying themselves and dancing to the fine music. Anne Yanchyshyn, permit teacher, even had a dance with her son’s former Windsor School teacher and committee member, Wally Stoyko. Edith Alexiuk presented the band with an honorarium. Following the entertainment, three groups of 28 n RTAM KIT Winter 2019 photos were taken. First group was from years 1940-1949, second group was from years 1950- 1960 and later, the third group was from the 2019 Permit Teachers Reunion Committee. Thank you to Mel Bodnarus and Bil Badiuk for looking after the collection of money for developing the photos. Our thanks are extended to the many generous donors who donated door prizes which were presented by Wally Stoyko. It was indeed an honor and pleasure working with the past and present reunion committees. Thank you for your help and efficient expertise over the years that I was committee chairperson. Following the Permit Teachers' Reunion, a committee meeting was held in a private room at the Viscount Gort Hotel with 10 members present. Absent were: Vera McCallum, Ed Arndt and Margaret Lesperance. General discussions took place regarding the recent celebration of the 15th Annual Reunion. There was general agreement that the reunion was very successful. Treasurer, Mel Bodnarus presented an interim report of the committee financial status. The completed report was presented on September 19, 2019, at Canad Inns, Transcona, where another meeting was held by the Reunion Committee with 12 members in attendance. The two banners related to the Permit Teachers' Reunion will be taken to the MTS by Wally Stoyko. Photographs were distributed as well as the ties and socks that were received by the reunion committee from the Mayor’s Office as a token of appreciation for the committees work in preserving the history of “Permit Teachers' in Manitoba.” A Permit Teachers informal get together will be held tentatively on July 9, 2020, at Canad Inns, Transcona. 