Teachers and Students
Together Again
Dr. Louisa Loeb Permit Teachers of Manitoba
15 th Annual and Final Gala Reunion
Text and photos by Theresa Antoniuk, Committee Chairperson
n July 11, 2019, some 84 permit teachers,
guests and former students registered for the
15th annual and final Dr. Louisa Loeb Permit
Teachers of Manitoba Reunion at the Viscount Gort
Hotel in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
The theme of the reunion was once again,
“Teachers and Students Together Again.” Permit
teachers and former students were invited to
attend the gala reunion. Greeting the guests as they
arrived were Andy Alexiuk and Ralph Trombo. The
registration table was opened from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00
pm. Welcoming the guests were Registrar, Edith
Alexiuk, Karen Boughton, Lavone
Lesperance-Caron and
Margaret Lesperance.
Guests received a
program, bookmark
with a photo of a
Elizabeth Bayduza, from Winnipegosis,
MB travelled the farthest to attend the
26 n RTAM KIT Winter 2019
Anne Yanchyshyn and Wally Stoyko,
Committee Member Dancing
Front Row, L-R: Ralph Trombo, Lavone Lesperance-Caron, Margaret
Lesperance, Theresa Antoniuk, Chairperson; Edith Alexiuk, Registrar;
Karen Boughton. Back Row, L-R: Wally Stoyko, Public Relations;
Melvin Bodnarus, Treasurer; Murray Coates, Bill Badiuk, Acting
Secretary; Alex Alexiuk. Missing: Ed Arndt, Vera McCallum.
schoolhouse, color coded meal tickets, door prize
tickets and “Meet and Mingle Quiz,” an ice breaker
prepared by Edith Alexiuk. The guests had to look
at other guests name tags for clues to the questions,
e.g. “Find someone that a permit teacher taught the
same year that you did.” Coffee, tea, juice and water
were available for all participants.
Introduction of Past Chairpersons, according to
Margaret Lesperance, the idea of a Permit Teachers
Reunion began in 2003 at the summer course for
teachers at Brandon University. Dr. Louisa Loeb,
presenter of the course, met with student Margaret
Lesperance. Both having been permit teachers, they
shared their experiences and considered starting a