“THE BIG PAYOFF” For Reading
Beth Smith
ind the answers to the following questions and
submit your entry by;
a) email to [email protected], with KIT
Reading Contest in the subject line, or
b) by mail to Beth Smith, RTAM KIT Reading Contest,
206-1555 St. James St., Winnipeg, MB R3H 1B5.
Submissions must be received by February 19,
2020. A random draw among those entries with all
answers correct will determine the winner. Be sure
to include your name, mailing address, and phone
number. The prize is your choice of a $15.00 gift
card; Tim Horton’s, Superstore, McDonald’s, Subway.
Please identify which gift card you prefer. The
winner will be announced in the next edition of KIT.
Good Luck!
1. What event occurred on May 25, 2019 where
hundreds of Manitoba public school teachers
joined with hundreds of others?
2. What does Johnson, the Johnson Insurance
mascot, have to say about Home Insurance?
3. What did the Winnipeg Normal School Class
of 1954 do for their 65th Anniversary Reunion?
How much money did the Dauphin Area
Retired Teachers donate to the Alzheimer’s
What year will the MTS 100th Anniversary
Time Capsule be re-opened?
Identify the group of people dressed in
costume at the MTS 100th Anniversary Gala.
What year did the United Nations General
Assembly establish the International Day of
Older Persons?
Identify the slogan for the MTS 100th
Anniversary Celebration.
What year was Duty-free lunch established?
Name the presenter of the Photography
Workshop on Friday, September 20, 2019.
The winner of the KIT Fall 2019 contest is
Tribute to Raymond Bisson
by the ÉMR Chapter Hommage à Raymond Bisson
par la section des ÉMR
It is with sadness that we inform you of
the passing of Raymond Bisson on Sunday,
October 20, at 3:05 a.m.
He was an active member of the RTAM
Executive, as well as of the ÉMR Chapter
Raymond was very involved in many
aspects of life as an educator and a
Francophone in Manitoba. He taught, then
was the Principal of Précieux-Sang School
in Norwood; and then was Superintendent
of the Norwood School Division. He was the
first Superintendent of the new French School Division of Manitoba
(DSFM) from 1994 to 1996,
Raymond was also very active in the French community. He was
President the Festival du Voyageur from 1984 to 1989; President of the
Société Franco-Manitobaine (SFM) from 1989 to 1991; and national
President of the Federation of Francophone and Acadian communities
(FCFA) from 1991 to 1993.
Raymond was a man of profound convictions, generous with his person,
his time and his energies. He was an understanding man with a gentle
heart, ready to give his support and encouragement at the right time.
The Francophone community of Manitoba has lost a pioneer of its
modern development.
Rest in peace, dear friend; we will miss you. C'est avec tristesse que nous vous annonçons le décès de
Raymond Bisson le dimanche 20 octobre à 3:05 du matin.
Il était un membre actif du Conseil de direction de la RTAM
ainsi que membre du Conseil de direction des ÉMR, la section
francophone de la RTAM.
Raymond a mené une carrière fructueuse dans le domaine
de l'éducation française au Manitoba. Il enseigna, puis fut
directeur de l'école Précieux-Sang à Norwood; il fut par la suite
le Directeur général de la Division scolaire de Norwood. Il fut
aussi le premier Directeur général de la toute nouvelle Division
scolaire franco-manitobaine (DSFM) de 1994 à 1996).
Raymond fut très actif dans la communauté francophone.
Il fut président du Festival du Voyageur de 1984 à 1989;
président de la Société franco-manitobaine (SFM) de 1989 à
1991; et président national de la Fédération des communautés
francophones et acadiennes (FCFA) de 1991 à 1993.
Raymond était un homme de convictions profondes,
généreux de sa personne, de son temps et de ses énergies.
Il était un homme compréhensif et au coeur doux, prêt à
donner son appui et son encouragement au bon moment.
La francophonie manitobaine a perdu un pionnier de son
développement moderne.
Repose en paix, cher ami; tu nous manqueras.
22 n RTAM KIT Winter 2019