RTAM KIT - Winter 2019 RTAM_Winter19_web | Page 23

Normal School Class of '54 Reunion Ray West M embers of the Winnipeg Normal School Class of “54,“ held their 65th Anniversary Reunion at Canad Inn Brandon on Friday, September 6. There were 38 retired teachers and spouses (27 of whom were from the graduation class of “54“). This was the 11th reunion for this class since graduating. Previous reunions have been held in Winnipeg, Portage la Prairie, Brandon and Roland, Manitoba. Attendees came from as far away as Maple Grove, BC and Kenora, Ontario. The afternoon started with lunch at Aalto’s Cafe and then moved to several teachers telling some of their favourite stories from their careers. Phyllis Lamb spoke with pride how seven of her former students had gone on to be teachers themselves with one graduating from Oxford University in London with a degree in four languages. Lamb said she had to walk several miles to and from the schools she taught in. "I am coming on 88 and I am still using my legs," she said, with a smile. Members talked about trying to hold another reunion in two years, probably in Winnipeg. At that time, most members will be age 86 or older but it would be great to see their friends again.  Please contact TRAF at [email protected] or 204-949-0048 if you know any of the following people, or have information about how they may be reached. Sharon Brychka Gregory Chomichuk Christine Crnko-Kerr Janice Doiron Andrea Downes Suzanne Erdelyi Christine Everett Nancy Gottfried Christine James John Kerr David Kidd Kathleen Long Albert Mandepetumpeny Danh Nguyen Holly Parcey Leroy Reimer Sheila Sachvie Ryan Thompson Norma Turner Robert Whiteside RTAM.MB.CA n 23