RTAM KIT - Winter 2019 RTAM_Winter19_web | Page 21

RETIRED TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA RTAM Winter 2020 Photo Contest Official Entry and Release Form A copy of this form must be completed for each entry submitted to the photo contest. Photos cannot be entered into more than one category. Complete Photo Contest Rules are posted on the RTAM Website (see below). NAME ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE POSTAL CODE TELEPHONE EMAIL PHOTOGRAPH TITLE Please check: ❏ I Am Ready For My Close-Up ❏ Black and White Photography Take a picture of something 14 centimeters or less and make it look big. Indoors or outdoors, any subject, but no human faces. By submitting my entry to the RTAM Photo Contest, I hereby grant permission to the Retired Teachers’ Association (RTAM) to use/edit/reuse my photograph in any and all of its publications and on its website. I understand that there is no time limit on the validity of this release. I confirm that I am a member in good standing of RTAM and I agree to abide by the Photo Contest rules as set forth by RTAM and posted on the RTAM website (https://rtam.mb.ca). By signing this release form, I acknowledge that I have completely read and understand what this permission signifies. ENTRY DEADLINE Name in Print / Signature / Date Signed April 3, 2020 at 4:00 P.M. RTAM Photo Contest Rules Submission Requirements: Print Entries: • All entries sent must have an image which is no smaller than 5” x 7” or larger than 12” x 12”. Square formatted images will be accepted provided that they are not smaller than 7” x 7” or larger than 12” x 12”. Panoramic photos will not be accepted. • Matted or framed photos will not be accepted. • Photo titles are mandatory, must be written on the back of prints and match the title on the Contest Official Entry Form. Electronic Entries: • Electronic photos can also be submitted. The covering email or file name must include the photo title which must match the title on the Contest Official Entry Form. Electronic photos will be printed by RTAM for judging purposes. Please read the full contest rules at https://rtam.mb.ca/index. php/rtam-kit/photo-contest-rules or at http://bluetilde.ca/2 RTAM.MB.CA n 21