ROTAMIRROR MAY ISSUE RotaMirror, May Issue '19, Rotaract Club of Kololo | Page 12
If you are a man, you are part of rape culture.
I know … that sounds rough. You’re not a
rapist, necessarily. But you do perpetuate
the attitudes and behaviors commonly
referred to as rape culture. You may be
thinking, “Now, hold up, Zaron! You don’t
know me, homey! I’ll be damned if I’m gonna
let you say I’m some sorta fan of rape. That’s
not me, man!”
I totally know how you feel. That was pretty
much exactly my response when someone
told me I was a part of rape culture. It sounds
horrible. But just imagine moving through
the world, always afraid you could be raped.
That’s even worse! Rape culture sucks
for everyone involved. But don’t get hung
up on the terminology. Don’t concentrate
on the words that offend you and ignore
what they’re pointing to — the words “rape
culture” aren’t the problem. The reality they
describe is the problem.
Men are the primary agents and sustainers
of rape culture.
Rape isn’t exclusively committed by men.
Women aren’t the only victims — men rape
men, women rape men — but what makes
rape a men’s problem, our problem, is the
fact that men commit 99% of reported rapes.
How are you part of rape culture? Well, I hate
to say it, but it’s because you’re a man.
When I cross a parking lot at night and see
a woman ahead of me, I do whatever I feel
is appropriate to make her aware of me so
that a) I don’t startle her b) she has time to
make herself feel safe/comfortable and c) if
it’s possible, I can approach in a way that’s
clearly friendly, in order to let her know I’m
not a threat. I do this because I’m a man.
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