Rockville Rec Guide - Fall 2016 Winter 2017 | Page 62

Adult Water Fitness Aqua Zumba Aquatics Aqua Blast Start your day off right with a fast-paced, early morning deep-water exercise class. This no-impact, high-energy workout tones your muscles while improving endurance with an emphasis on cardiovascular training. Includes abdominal and barbell work. Equipment are provided. Age: 18+ 57309 Tu & Th 1/3-4/6 6:35-7:20 AM M/NM $131/$158 This fast-paced class helps you reach your fitness goals now! The exercises are performed in deep water, and regardless of your age, size or fitness level, you can achieve noticeable results. Great for those whose schedules allow just one day a week to attend or as a challenging addition to some of our other programs. M/NM $66/$80 $66/$80 $66/$80 Aqua Fitness Page 62 | Main Rec. Line: 240-314-8620 This low-impact, high-intensity program is designed to improve flexibility, range of motion, strength, muscle tone, posture and cardiovascular endurance all while burning calories. Exercises are performed in chest-deep water to music. Styrofoam barbells and/or pool noodles may be used and are provided. Age: 16+ 57313 M 1/2-4/3 8:30-9:15 AM 57318 M 1/2-4/3 9:15-10 AM 57314 Tu 1/3-4/4 8:30-9:15 AM 57319 Tu 1/3-4/4 9:15-10 AM 57315 W 1/4-4/5 8:30-9:15 AM 57691 W 1/4-4/5 9:15-10 AM 57316 Th 1/5-4/6 8:30-9:15 AM 57692 Th 1/5-4/6 9:15-10 AM M/NM $66/$80 $66/$80 $66/$80 $66/$80 $66/$80 $66/$80 $66/$80 $66/$80 Aqua Hiit High-intensity interval training (Hiit) alternates short periods of intense exercise with less-intense recovery periods. Some of the proven benefits are increased metabolism,fat burning, weight loss and improved cardiorespiratory fitness. Add the resistance of the water and you also benefit from improved muscle tone. Age: 16+ 57693 F 1/6-4/7 8:30-9:15 AM Age: 15+ 57322 Tu 1/3-4/4 10:15-11 AM 57323 Th 1/5-4/6 10:15-11 AM 57324 F 1/6-4/7 9:15-10 AM M/NM $66/$80 $66/$80 $66/$80 Deep Water Running and Conditioning Aqua Boot Camp Age: 14+ 57310 M 1/2-4/3 10:15-11 AM 57311 W 1/4-4/5 10:15-11 AM 57312 F 1/6-4/7 10:15-11 AM This high-energy, low-impact water fitness class incorporates Latin music and dance moves while toning, sculpting and burning fat. This workout is for men and women and requires no swimming skills. M/NM $66/$80 This program emphasizes cardiovascular strength and endurance, as well as flexibility, range of motion and core strength. Classes are held in the deep water and participants use flotation belts. No swimming skills are necessary. Program benefits runners and other active exercisers who are looking for a challenging workout. Age: 18+ 57401 Tu 1/3-4/4 10:10-10:55 AM 57402 Th 1/5-4/6 10:10-10:55 AM M/NM $66/$80 $66/$80 Deep Water Workout Enjoy a class taught in the deep end of the South Pool. Ideal for participants who need a no-impact workout. Strengthen your core muscles and get an excellent workout without adding any stress to knee or hip joints. Floatation belts are used. Age: 16+ 57403 M 1/2-4/3 9:15-10 AM 57404 Tu 1/3-4/4 7:40-8:25 PM 57405 W 1/4-4/5 9:15-10 AM 57406 Th 1/5-4/6 7:40-8:25 PM 57407 F 1/6-4/7 9:15-10 AM M/NM $66/$80 $66/$80 $66/$80 $66/$80 $66/$80 H2O Walking Did you know 30 minutes of water walking equals two hours of walking on land? This class is perfect for weight loss or general fitness and is more challenging than you think. Non-swimmers and beginners welcome. Taught in shallow- to chest-deep water. Music is used. Age: 16+ 57472 M 1/2-4/3 9:20-10:05 AM 57473 Tu 1/3-4/4 7:40-8:25 PM 57474 W 1/4-4/5 9:20-10:05 AM 57475 Th 1/5-4/6 7:40-8:25 PM 57476 F 1/6-4/7 9:20-10:05 AM M/NM $66/$80 $66/$80 $66/$80 $66/$80 $66/$80