Rockville Rec Guide - Fall 2016 Fall 2016 | Page 21

Arts , Dance and Enrichment

Ballet Teen & Adult
Advanced students with five or more years of experience are welcome to learn advanced techniques . If a participant registers for two or more ballet classes , a $ 5 discount may be applied to one class . Registration must be handled by mail , fax or walk-in to receive a discount . See Adult and Children Ballet for more classes .
Advanced Young Teen & Pointe - Age : 12 + 55332 Tu 9 / 13-12 / 13 5:15-6:30 PM $ 125 /$ 135 Rockcrest Ballet Ctr / Simpson
Advanced Young Teen & Pointe - Age : 12 + 55333 Th 9 / 15-12 / 15 5:15-6:30 PM $ 135 /$ 145 Rockcrest Ballet Ctr ./ Chongpinitchai
Advanced - Age : 13 + 55330 M 9 / 12-12 / 12 5:45-7:15 PM $ 135 /$ 145 Rockcrest Ballet Ctr / Chongpinitchai
Advanced Ballet - Age : 13 + 55331 W 9 / 14-12 / 14 5:45-7:15 PM $ 135 /$ 145 Rockcrest Ballet Ctr ./ Simpson
New ! Master Ballet Classes
Try a master class taught by one of our Rockville Civic Ballet company members and City instructors . These classes provide dancers with the valuable opportunity to learn new dance movements and build your technical skills . Taking a class will give you a chance to see what other teachers have to offer and try out different teaching styles . Required skill level : competency in intermediate ballet . Instructors for each class will be assigned by September 1 . Ages : 12 +
56961 Su
9 / 25
12:30-2:30 PM
$ 19 /$ 23
56962 Sa
10 / 8
2-4 PM
$ 19 /$ 23
56963 Sa
10 / 22
2-4 PM
$ 19 /$ 23
56976 Sa
11 / 5
4-6 PM
$ 19 /$ 23
Simpson / Chongpinitchai / Langdon
Kids Laser Tag Party
Laser Tag is hitting the scene at TFCC ! All equipment is provided . Register as individual players or teams of 2-10 players . If playing in a team all players must register under the same team name . Refreshments will be sold . Space is limited to 60 participants . Beginning at 6:30 p . m ., fee at the door is $ 15 residents ; $ 17 nonresidents .
Grade : 3-6 56342 F
9 / 23
7-10 PM
$ 10 /$ 12
Thomas Farm CC
Thomas Farm Halloween Haunt Volunteers
Earn Student Service Learning hours by helping with Thomas Farm Community Center ’ s annual Halloween Haunt event on Sat . October 29 . The event is from 2-4 p . m . but work hours are from 1:30-4:30 p . m . Participants must meet on September 29 from 6-7 p . m . to learn more about the volunteer opportunities during the month of October . Students will earn a minimum of 4 SSL hrs . More hours are possible depending on how much students are able to volunteer throughout October . For more info contact 240-314-8840 .
Grade : 6-12 56341 F
9 / 30
6-7 PM
$ 5 /$ 7
Thomas Farm CC
Teen After School Volunteers
Looking for a fun place to earn SSL hours ? Join the volunteer staff at Twinbrook Community Recreation Center ’ s After School Adventure Program . Volunteers will work with Rockville staff to plan , prepare and lead activities for elementary-aged children . Volunteer shirts and / or badges are provided . Wear comfortable play clothes and sneakers . Grade : 7-12
56009 M & W
9 / 7-10 / 5
4-6 PM
$ 25 /$ 29
56010 Tu & Th
9 / 6-10 / 6
4-6 PM
$ 25 /$ 29
56011 M & W
10 / 10-11 / 16 4-6 PM
$ 25 /$ 29
56012 Tu & Th
10 / 11-11 / 17 4-6 PM
$ 25 /$ 29
Twinbrook Teen Scene
Teen Scene program provides a safe , healthy environment that promotes positive youth development . Participants will have daily opportunities to engage in study time and a wide range of recreational activities of their choosing with guidance and supervision by the staff members . Transportation is available from Julius West and Wood M . S ., Twinbrook and Meadow Hall E . S . Program does meet on MCPS early release days . Grade : 5-8
56002 M-F 8 / 29-10 / 7 3-6:30 PM $ 145 /$ 165 56003 M-F 10 / 10-11 / 18 3-6:30 PM $ 145 /$ 165
Totally Teens
An afterschool program just for teens ! Homework help , community service projects , sports , arts , dance , video games , ping pong , special interest clubs and more . Registration is required . Transportation is provided from Julius West MS . The program is held on early release days . It is not held on holidays or when MCPS is closed .
Grade : 6-10
56018 M-F
8 / 29-12 / 23
3-6:30 PM
$ 435 /$ 495
Thomas Farm CC

Teen www . rockvillemd . gov / recreation | Page 21