Rockville Rec Guide - Fall 2016 Fall 2016 | Page 20

Croydon Creek Tots/Preschool Croydon Creep At the Nature Center FRIDAY, OCT. 21 • 6-8 p.m. Spooky Nature Hike • Magic Show • Hands-On Activities and Games All ages welcome - $5 per child at the door Adults and Children under two are free All children must be accompanied by an adult. 240-314-8770 Green Your Backyard Saturday, September 10 10:30 a.m. to Noon Lincoln Park Community Center Page 20 | Main Rec. Line: 240-314-8620 Learn about RainScapes Rewards and other City Programs. Green your back yard and reduce pollution. Topics include rain barrels, conservation landscaping, tree planting and other environmental tips. Residents are eligible to enter a free raffle for a rain barrel. Open on a first-come, first-served basis; Registration required. To register, call the RainScapes Coordinator at 240-314-8877 or email [email protected] with your name and address. SCOUT BADGE DAYS WEBELOS INTO THE WOODS BADGE Sun., Oct. 2 WEBELOS INTO THE WILD BADGE Sun., Nov. 6 2-4 p.m. Naturalists will help you complete the necessary requirements to achieve the badges. All materials provided; however, badges are not supplied by the Nature Center. Programs held rain or shine. Dress for the weather. Cost: $14 residents; $16 non-residents For additional information or to register, call Melinda Norton at 240-314-8771 or email [email protected].