Rockville Rec Guide - Fall 2016 Fall 2016 | Page 19

New ! Little Acorns
Explore nature with your little ones through a variety of play-based activities . Time will be spent outdoors weather permitting . Adult participation required . Advanced registration recommended .
Age : 18-36 mo Water 56746 Th 9 / 15 10-11 AM $ 7 /$ 8
Meadow 56747 Th 9 / 29 10-11 AM $ 7 /$ 8
10 / 13
10-11 AM
$ 7 /$ 8
Creepy Crawlies 56749 Th 10 / 27 10-11 AM $ 7 /$ 8
Turkeys 56750 Th 11 / 10 10-11 AM $ 7 /$ 8
Ready for Winter 56751 Th 12 / 8 10-11 AM $ 7 /$ 8 Croydon Creek Ntr . Ctr .
New ! Musicmakers
Does your child love making music and making crafts ? Spend the morning creating musical instruments with your child using a variety of arts and crafts materials . Adult participation required . Register by 11 / 26 .
Age : 3-6 56741
12 / 3
10-11 AM
$ 7 /$ 9
Croydon Creek Ntr . Ctr .

Bird Seed Sale

Check out our website in November for information on our annual bird seed sale www . rockvillemd . gov / croydoncreek
Natural Holiday Crafts ( Adult / Child )
Spend the afternoon using a variety of natural or recycled objects to make holiday crafts and ornaments . Each participant will complete at least three projects . Adult participation required for children under age 8 . Register by : 11 / 28 .
Age : 6-12 56409
12 / 4
1:30-3 PM
$ 10 /$ 13
Croydon Creek Ntr . Ctr .
Nature Tots ( Adult / Child )
Spend time with your child discovering the wonders of nature . A Naturalist will help you explore a new nature topic through nature play , crafts , stories and hikes . Dress for the weather . This program is intended to provide special one-on-one time for you and your child . Adult participation required . Spaces are limited .
Age : 3-6 Camouflage 56400 Sa 9 / 24 10-11:30 AM $ 8 /$ 10
Beavers 56401 Sa 10 / 8 10-11:30 AM $ 8 /$ 10
10 / 29
10-11:30 AM
$ 8 /$ 10
Leaves 56403
11 / 19
10-11:30 AM
$ 8 /$ 10
Croydon Creek Ntr . Ctr .
New ! Outdoor Science Club
Young scientists will explore a variety of science topics through hands-on activities and time spent exploring the forest preserve .
Age : 6-8 Stream Ecology Prepare to get wet as we take to the creek to discover the macroinvertebrates found in our watershed . 56743 Su 9 / 25 1:30-3 PM $ 8 /$ 10
Raptors Discover birds of prey , dissect an owl pellet and investigate the forest for evidence of raptors . 56744 Su 10 / 23 1:30-3 PM $ 8 /$ 10
Weather Learn about weather by conducting several science experiments that demonstrate different atmospheric science principles . 56745 Su 11 / 20 1:30-3 PM $ 8 /$ 10 Croydon Creek Ntr . Ctr .

Croydon Creek www . rockvillemd . gov / recreation | Page 19