Roca News Mondariz´s fire | Page 14

Interview to Jackson Perry about Hurricane Michael new

- How many categories of hurricanes are there?

I think there are 5.

- How much do you think the hurricane process lasts?

Between five days and a week.

- A name of a hurricane that you know?

Hurricane Sindy.

- Do you know what the formation of a hurricane is?

They are formed when a series of electrical storms accumulate and move over warm ocean waters.

Could you explain what is your opinion about this article

I think it is interesting since I did not know what happened in Cuba and Mexico.

Interview to Sandra Díaz ( 22 years old student in CE Roca) about the rainfall new

- What do you think about this enviromental accident?

Mmm, I find it striking, and I really hope that the worst was only material damage with very few injured people.

- How would you have acted if the flood had happened near your home?

I am a very scary person so I would probably panic and go looking for my dog ​​and I would run out looking for a high place so I would not get wet ...