The last months we have been interviewing our readers about certain news. Below we have the interviews made about some articles that we have chosen from Our magazine.
Intervew to Pedro Gomez (30 years old,is a politican) answer question about Hurricane Michael with her best friend Jackson Perry (20 years old, dancer)
Interview to Pedro Gomez about Hurricane Michael new:
- Did you know about this fact?
No, I did not know this fact .I do not read many articles.
- Have you gone through something similar?
Luckily not and in Barcelona I do not think it will ever happen.
- Do you think that hurricanes usually cause serious damage?
Yes,such as the destruction of houses, buildings and deaths of people
- What protections can you have at home to prevent the damage that the hurricane may cause?
It is important to have a basement. Also, before the hurricane comes, there is a tropical rain with strong winds that can break windows and make the roofs fly away, so we can protect doors and windows with plastic or wood.
- In what area do you think hurricanes are more common?
In the south of USA. For example, Florida, Texas and Alabama