RMB Buffalo Regatta 2024 | Page 5


Title sponsor ’ s Message

RMB is a proud supporter of the annual RMB Buffalo Regatta . It is a highlight on the South African rowing calendar . From schools and those racing for the first time to more experienced rowers and even our professional athletes from the RMB National Squad , the RMB Buffalo Regatta is a showcase of talent at all levels .
At RMB we celebrate talent . Through our partnerships in sport and in the creative arts we aim to support teams and individuals reach their full potential . As proud partners of Rowing South Africa , RMB has been sponsoring the RMB National Squad since 2017 . With ongoing support for these talented men and women it has been possible for South Africa ’ s elite athletes to represent our country on the international stage . As one of the sports that has brought home the most Olympic medals for South Africa , rowing demands teamwork , resilience , courage , and grit . It is as much a mental game as it is a physical one . It requires head and heart to compete against some of the top rowing nations of the world . Every time the RMB National Squad shows up , flying the flag high , we are reminded that when talented people work together for a common purpose , magic often happens . By sponsoring some of South Africa ’ s annual regattas including the RMB Buffalo Regatta , we hope to support the talent pipeline and helping to grow the sport for the future .
As athletes from around South Africa come together to take part in this regatta , we wish everyone on the water the best of luck !
Lucy Lightfoot RMB ’ s Head of Brand and Sponsorships

Meet the Team

The East London Boating Association ( ELBA ) Committee of 2024 has been working tirelessly to ensure that the 136 th RMB Buffalo Regatta will be a huge success :
The ELBA Committee for 2023 / 2024 consists of the following members :
Zakhe Madala
President Vice President Treasurer Estate Manager Secretary
Graeme Mountford Zakhe Madala Sean Frachet Ryan Ewing Haidee Veaudry