RMB Buffalo Regatta 2024 | Page 4


President ’ s Message

“ In life and in sport , we paddle hard – young or old , rain or shine , in the heat or the cold – to the finish line , because we are , all of us , IN THE SAME BOAT ” - Anonymous
On behalf of the East London Boating Association , I wish to welcome you to the 2024 RMB Buffalo Regatta . It is indeed a privilege to host such a prestigious and historical event , showcasing our beautiful city and to provide Buffalo City with the opportunity to witness top class school , club and university rowing .
This past year has been one of great challenges for the rowing community in East London . However , it is during times like these that we see the true meaning of ‘ community ’, and I truly that all our local hero ’ s who have supported us during the past few months .
It is undoubtedly astonishing , when glancing at the Winner ’ s Board dating back to 1881 , that the event was only interrupted by two World Wars , and COVID-19 in 2020 , and that the past year almost caused another interruption in the history of the Buffalo Regatta . I am truly greatful and humbled to be able to be part of another Buffalo Regatta .
Thank you to our sponsors RMB and the Eastern Cape Development Corporation for their financial support , without which this event cannot take place .
Without the dedication and unselfish effort of the appointed ELBA Committee , as well as so many parents and volunteers , who work tirelessly behind the scenes , this Regatta will not continuously exceed expectations , we thank each and every one of you .
Finally , to ROWSA and all the officials , your time and commitment is greatly appreciated as this event would not happen without these dedicated officials and support from ROWSA .
As rowing continues to grow in East London , and the Eastern Cape , we are encouraged with the developments being made at the Universities of Fort Hare and Walter Sisulu as their oarsmen and women continue to improve from season to season . We also welcome back the Diocesan School for Girls to the Buffalo Regatta .
A special word of thanks to all coaches and staff for your immense effort in preparing for the upcoming Regattas . This year we also welcome a contingent of athletes from Lower Saxony – Germany and we trust that the relationship with Lower Saxony will go from strength the strength .
In conclusion , to the participants : Be strong when you are weak , brave when you are scared , and humble when you are victorious . May you be rewarded for your efforts when you race , but most importantly may fellowship and good sportsmanship prevail .
Yours faithfully
Graeme Mountfort ELBA President and Regatta Convenor
4 RMB Buffalo Regatta 2024