Reimbursement Policy for Special Needs Recreation
The Village of Riverside Parks & Recreation is not a member of a special recreation association, such as Gateway SRA. When a Riverside resident is able to participate in a program offered by one of these agencies, it is usually at a higher cost to them. The Riverside Parks & Recreation Board has established a policy whereas the difference between the member versus non-member fee will be reimbursed to the participant providing the proper procedure is followed. For further info regarding this policy, please call Ron Malchiodi, Director of Parks & Recreation at 442-7025.
Riverside Historical Museum
The Riverside Historical Museum is located in the Well House next to the Water Tower. The Museum is operated by the Village of Riverside and managed by the Riverside Historical Commission. The Museum oversees the collection and preservation of 16,000 items documenting past and present Riverside. The Museum is open to the public from 10 am to 2 pm on Saturdays. Visit the new exhibit space in the newly renovated West Well House. Visit us on the web at www. riversidemuseum. net.
Aging Well
Aging Well is a community partnership working in 20 communities in the greater Lyons Township Illinois area to create an environment in which people can age well. Contact: Stephanie Bailey,( 708) 354-1323 ext. 19
Riverside Jr. Woman’ s Charity
A philanthropic and service organization for any woman interested in supporting her community. Meetings are the second Thursday of the month September- June at 7:30 pm in the Riverside Town Hall. www. riversidejuniors. org.
Riverside Little League
A baseball and softball program for boys and girls operated by parent volunteers- for children ages 5-15. Board of Directors meetings are the 1 st Tuesday of each month at 8:00 pm in the Riverside Town Hall. www. riversidell. com President: Rick Collins- riversidell @ sbcglobal. net
Riverside Lyric Opera
Purpose: To learn more about the opera within our community, while supporting the Lyric Opera of Chicago. New members welcome. Membership Chair: Richard Greeman( 312) 827-5656
Riverside Naturalists 4- H Club
Experience hands-on educational activities with this group, emphasizing on nature. Open to children ages 8-19.
Contact: Pat Copp 447-1892
Riverside Sprouts
A junior garden club for children in 1st thru 5th grades to promote the awareness of gardening and environment sponsored by the Riverside Garden Club. Contact: Karen Cornelius- 447-3007
Riverside Swim Club
A private club with limited membership. Facilities: 25 meter pool, wading pool, and indoor locker rooms. For more info: www. riversideswimclub. net President: Adrian Mendoza Membership: Holly Agne- cre8tvlo @ aol. com
Riverside Farmers Market
Wednesdays starting in June experience the delicious wonders of the Farmers’ Market. From fruit vendors to delicious sweet treats, the Riverside Farmers’ Market has a delectable assortment for purchase. The Market is located in Centennial Park, 10 Pine Ave. 2:30- 7:00 pm. For more information visit https:// justeatlocal. wordpress. com /
Riverside Township Lions Clubs
Purpose: To plan and conduct a variety of community and humanitarian projects. Group meets second Tuesday of each month at the Scottish Home at 11:30 am For more info: 447-5331 Joe Dvorak www. lionsriversidetownship. org
Riverside Presbyterian Church
116 Barrypoint Road, Riverside, IL 60546 Boy Scouts: Tom Hartwig, Scoutmaster- thartwig @ olparks. com Nancy Hopkins, Troop Committee Chair, nmhopkins1 @ comcast. net Cub Scouts: Jim Jerz, Pack Committee Chair- pack24riverside @ gmail. com
The Our Town Project
Purpose: Working together for continued economic, social and cultural advancement in Riverside. 447-TOWN( 8696)
** Please contact the Recreation office if any of the listed contact information has changed.
Your Cooperation( Park / School / Church / Township)
Through the continued cooperation of the Riverside School District 96, Riverside-Brookfield High School District 208, Riverside Township and numerous churches in Riverside, we are able to offer various recreation opportunities to our residents. The Village acknowledges and appreciates the cooperation extended by these organizations.