AAUW Riverside Branch
( American Assn. of University Women) The Riverside Branch of the American Assoc. of University Women,“ friend to education” sponsors programs, lectures, and community events and activities cultivating the intellectual and personal development of women and girls. For meeting information contact: Diane Balin @ balin. diane @ gmail. com
Brookfield-Riverside Rotary Club
A service club that focuses on community and global needs. Meets every Tuesday at 12:15- 1:30 at Paisans Pizzeria, 3720 Grand Ave., Brookfield. Contact: Nancy Lisouski 485-9224
Frederick Law Olmsted Society
Purpose: To preserve the heritage of the village and the uniqueness of its landscape. New members are welcome. Website: www. olmstedsociety. org Write to: P. O. Box 65, Riverside, IL 60546 President: Tim Ozga 442-1781
Hoffman Dam River Rats
Purpose: Dedicated to the improvement of habitat and water quality. Contact for Hoffman Dam River Rats are President: John Mach( 708) 990-9717.
Riverside Indian Princesses
A YMCA-sponsored program for boys and girls in grades K-3, with monthly activities and meetings. Contact: Eric Sundstrom 442-0640
Riverside KeeWahSheena Indian Guides
A YMCA-sponsored program for boys and girls in grades K-4, with monthly activities and meetings. See our website for more information at www. KeeWahSheena. com
Mother’ s Group- Ascension Lutheran Church
This group is currently accepting new Moms to meet every Friday at the church from 10:00- 11:30 am. Come meet and visit with fellow Moms and learn more about our community. Located at 400 Nuttall Road.
Peoplecare, Inc. is an ecumenical not-for-profit agency created to focus on the needs of older adults, 65 and older. Our mission state-ment is,“ Peoplecare is to assist and support the involutarily home-bound by providing: socialization, emotional support and access to service providers.” We are located at 60 Akenside Road, for more information or to become a volunteer, contact Executive Director Helen Jablonski at 442-1223.
Riverside Arts Center
A cultural learning center and gallery open to art lovers and students of all ages. Contact: Elaine Leonard( 708) 289-2486- Office Number 442-6400
Riverside Chamber of Commerce
Purpose: To promote business interests within the Village of Riverside. See our website for more information WWW. RiversideChamberofCommerce. com
Riverside Chapter- The Infant Welfare Society of Chicago
Purpose: We provide medical, dental, educational and psychological services for children along with gynecological, social work and child care education for women. Contact: Gail Seeger 442-5942
Riverside Cub and Boy Scouts
Activities and Outings are planned each month. RIVERSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 116 Barrypoint Road, Riverside, IL 60546 Jim Marciniak, Troop Committee Chairman 249 Gage Road- 443-5851 Boy Scouts- Tom Mantel 442-8155 Cub Scouts- Mark Jantze 442-8746 ST. MARY’ S: Cub Scouts- Bob Korabik 447-5805 Boy Scouts- Bill Minaghan 442-5287 BSA Troop 24 meetings are held every Thursday, September through mid- June. Adult leadership required, please volunteer to help. Website: www. pack24riverside. org Email: pack24riverside @ gmail. com
Riverside Friends of the Library
Purpose: To coordinate a fund drive to present a significant monetary gift to the library. Holds meetings with informative entertaining programs. President: Ruth Julian 447-8522
Riverside Garden Club
Purpose: To stimulate interest in home gardens and related art and to encourage beauty in the community. President: Cherie Simo 708-447-4938- info @ riversidegardenclub. org
Riverside Girl Scouts
Today’ s Program for Tomorrow’ s Woman for girls ages 5-17 Contact: Margaret Harris( 708) 447-6720
Riverside Township Senior Citizen Society
For those individuals who are 55 +. Programs and trips are planned each month. Meetings are the 1 st Monday of the month at 1:00 pm in the Town Hall.( 708) 528-8398
** Please contact the Recreation office if any of the listed contact information has changed.