River Island Festival River island festival | Page 20



Add us on snapchat to see all the behind pictures/videos of the new collaboration. User name: RIfestival. You can also add us on our normal snapchat which is: riverislandsnap. On the day the collaboration is being launched there will be a River Island festival filter that will be available for everyone to use. All you have to do to access this is tap on the camera screen and all the filters will come up at the bottom. Another reason why you should add us on Snapchat is so you don't miss out on the launch party if you didn't manage to win tickets. ( Find out how to win tickets on our website on the events page. Website link: https://kaylac500.wixsite.com/rixll.

Follow us on all our other social media accounts so that you don't miss out on any competitions or discounts happening. During the first week of the collaboration coming out there will be 20% off online and in store on all River Island clothing including the collaboration. when you follow us on our social media accounts make sure you take a picture of the collaboration posters that you see when you are out and post them on your account, tag us and use the hash tag #RIFestivalWinner to be in the chance of winning the first competition. Read more about it on a previous page in this magazine. We will be posting frequently on all accounts about the collaboration and what you need to know. We hope to see you over there.