Risk & Business Magazine Nesbit Agencies Winter 2018 | Page 6

KATO CROSSFIT FROM PHILOSOPHY TO REALITY A t this point, nearly every- one has heard of CrossFit. Most people, however, may not have any idea what it actually is. A gym? A lifting program? Another fitness fad? In reality, it is more of a philosophy toward exercise than anything else, having evolved from that philosophy to be a competitive sport. CrossFit could be described as a lot of things, but it is essentially a method of cross-training between multiple physical fitness disciplines, including interval train- ing, powerlifting, calisthenics, gymnastics, and more. When Ben Janike, owner of Kato CrossFit, was first introduced to the CrossFit style of training, he was in the 24-hour-gym business. Managing a gym full-time for Snap Fitness Corporation, he was becom- ing somewhat disillusioned with the industry. Though the gym was success- ful, there weren’t a lot of opportunities to move forward and expand as a traditional gym. From there, he decided to pack up his things and try his hand at owning his own gym. Starting in 2012 with around 800 square 6 feet of space on the second floor of a building and around 12 total clients, Ben quickly moved to the current location with around 3,000 square feet of space. Since then, Kato has gone through five expan- sion projects leading to 8,500 square feet across two gym spaces, six total coaches, and around 330 clients. In Ben’s own words, “The last six years have been nothing short of a learning ex- perience, but we’ve been fortunate enough to grow and succeed in a tough business model. With some amazing help along the way from my coaches and staff, we are now one of the bigger gyms in the state.” Everything is a challenge when starting a gym. Not only do you have to help your clients with their own issues but you also have to face the typical problems that any business would have to deal with. Grow- ing pains are one of the largest. With every new client comes a need for new equip- ment and more space. Problems, yes. But good problems for any business. Ultimately, it comes down to the fact that Kato is a coaching program, not a gym. They align themselves with client goals and, in that way, personalize the treatment that everyone receives. From the start of a membership and for the first six weeks, clients have total access to coaches to ensure that all clients are able to align their workouts, nutrition, sleep, and other habits with their goals. Fitness, as most of us know, is not a one- size-fits-all endeavor. Neither is diet. We certainly all have different goals. So the time of fitness gyms where everyone does the same training and expects the same outcomes are over, and Kato is leading the charge in the personalized way of fitness. For more information, visit us at katocrossfit.com. +