Covering The
Unique Risks Of
rossFit, at its very core, is a form
of cross training where athletes
compete to push themselves to
their very limits during each
workout. Unfortunately, that
provides a lot of risk not only for the athletes
but also for the business itself. Finding the
proper coverage for those risks is a challenge
in and of itself, but I love a good challenge.
For Ben at Kato CrossFit, I rose to that
challenge. At Nesbit Agencies, we provide a
comprehensive policy that covers business
property and general liability, but we also
have special coverage for Ben which covers
his professional liability for the health club
portion of the business.
Wondering what these coverages might end
up looking like?
Let’s say Ben works one of his clients,
the client sweats, and a puddle forms on
the floor but doesn’t get cleaned. A pro-
spective client comes into the gym and
slips, breaking her wrist. This would be
general liability.
How about if Ben doesn’t explain
thoroughly enough how to use a piece
of equipment and a client injures them-
self? That would be professional liability.
Of course, like any business, workers’ com-
pensation coverage is present as well.
Every business is unique insofar as what
their risk tolerance is and how they want
to minimize that risk. Ben has been very
receptive to recommendations and, thus, has
done a great job growing and running his
business. When expansion construction has
taken place, he worked with us to ensure
everything was running smoothly in a safe
Unique coverage is even provided for special
events. When Ben came to me with a busi-
ness related to Kato CrossFit—known as
Gameday Competitions—we quickly got on
the horn with our underwriting friends at
West Bend Mutual/NSI and told them what
the business was about. Gameday Compe-
titions is athletes and individuals getting
together to showcase their CrossFit skills in
a fun competition. West Bend Mutual/NSI
heard what we had to say, liked it, and after
a few submitted applications and question-
naires, we were off to the races!
I’ve been working with Ben for years, and I
think one of the reasons he values the work
I do and the services that Nesbit Agencies
provide is that he knows that he can give us
a call at any time and bounce ideas off of us.
Entrepreneurs, by their very nature, are a
creative bunch, and Ben is no different. If he
needs to give me a call and brainstorm a new
direction or idea he has for the business, he
knows I am not only there to listen, but also
that Nesbit Agencies has the means to get
done whatever he is thinking about doing
due to our great relationships with multiple
I get a lot of personal satisfaction from see-
ing Ben and my other clients find success.
When they are successful, I feel successful as
well, and I feel like I am doing my job in the
right way. Being a trusted business associate
of people like Ben is the reason why I love
being in this business. +
Jeff Staloch has over 11 years of experience in
the insurance business, primarily focusing in
the areas of commercial risk management and
agri-business. Jeff currently works closely with
his team at Nesbit Agencies to help develop risk
management plans for the manufacturing,
construction and agriculture industries. Jeff’s
favorite part of his job is helping his clients
manage risk so their business can thrive.
He can be reached at:
[email protected] or 507-625-5558