Risk & Business Magazine Miller Insurance Spring 2017 | Page 6

NINE QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF Nine Critical Questions Incredibly Successful People Ask Themselves Every Day L et’s get the obvious out of the way: obtaining success is not easy for anyone. Even those who make it look simple have climbed big mountains to get to the top. Others look up at these successful folks and imagine them as having the answers to everything. The truth is successful people got to where they are by asking the right questions. Questions inevitably arise in the face of tough choices — forks in the road, if you will. If these decisions are not carefully considered, choices will be made automatically. That default path more often than not leads away from success. 6 Incredibly successful people understand that they control their own destiny and that the best way to do that is to ask themselves questions that reveal the right path. Here are the telling questions they ask themselves regularly: 1. SHOULD I BE DOING THIS? Many ambitious people, like entrepreneurs, are quick to jump on opportunities. Sometimes too quickly. They end up wasting hours and energy on projects that will never be successful or bring a sufficient return on their investment. Incredibly successful people understand the precious value of time and resources. They know they can only do so much with what they have, so they look for reasons to conserve. 2. WHAT IS TRULY MY TOP PRIORITY? A scattered mind is unproductive. Each day, incredibly successful people figure out the one thing they need to accomplish that day and focus their efforts on it. They take into consideration the surrounding circumstances to make sure completion is favourable. If they are productive and finish their objective early in the day, they can look to the next priority.