Risk & Business Magazine Miller Insurance Spring 2017 | Page 7

NINE QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF 3. WILL THIS APPROACH HELP ME ACHIEVE MY LONG-TERM GOALS? Shortsightedness can keep you chasing dreams until the day you die. Incredibly successful people want to achieve, not just dream, so they spend time deciding on a preferred future and set a plan to attain it. They can then easily assess the day’s opportunities against the goal and the plan. 4. HOW CAN I BE MORE EFFECTIVE? There are many blocks to productivity. The biggest one is complacency. Incredibly successful people always want to be more effective learners, thinkers, communicators, and leaders. They are focused on constant improvement. They leave “good enough” for everyone else. 5. HOW CAN I MAKE THIS FUN? It may not be possible to make everything fun, but nearly everything has the possibility of being fun for someone. And nearly everyone, given the choice, would like to have fun with what they do. Incredibly successful people always look for the fun in the day. They know how to smile and laugh and want to get the most from life each and every day. 6. WHO ELSE CAN HANDLE THIS? Major successes never happen in a vacuum. There are always dedicated and passionate people involved. They work as a team to support the vision. Incredibly successful people cultivate these teams and delegate tasks so that everyone is focused on his or her highest and best use. stay actively engaged in their pursuits. They commit to a healthy life and self- correct when things get out of whack. 9. DID I MAKE PEOPLE FEEL GOOD TODAY? Accomplishment without generosity and gratitude is hollow and sad. Incredibly successful people feel successful only when others share in the joy and credit of accomplishment. + 7. HOW WILL I REST MY BRAIN TODAY? Physical work can be taxing, but hard brain work also takes its toll in physical, mental, and emotional ways. Incredibly successful people give their all mentally and need to regenerate constantly. They use relaxation techniques, naps, and meditation to make sure they have plenty of thinking power available whenever it’s required. 8. IS THIS GOOD FOR MY BODY? Physical complications can draw focus and energy from important efforts. Incredibly successful people know they need their bodies in good condition to BY: KEVIN DAUM AUTHOR OF ROAR! Kevin Daum is the best selling author of Video Marketing for Dummies and ROAR! Get Heard in the Sales and Marketing Jungle; and columnist for Inc.com and Contributing Editor at Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO). Mr. Daum is an Inc. 500 CEO, with more than $1 billion in sales record, who grew his online audience from 50,000 followers to more than 800,000 in less than 18 months. For more Kevin, go to www.kevindaum.com.  KEVINDAUM.COM 7