Risk & Business Magazine Miller Insurance Spring 2017 | Page 5

16 feature ABOUT TED * : WELCOME A TALE OF EMPOWERMENT CONTENTS 5 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT 6 NINE CRITICAL QUESTIONS INCREDIBLY SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE ASK THEMSELVES EVERY DAY 9 PROSPECTS FOR PENNIES Find Gold In Abandoned Advertising 10 CUSTOMER SERVICE VS. CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Knowing The Difference 12 UNMISTAKABLE HABITS OF IRRESISTIBLE PEOPLE 14 ONE DAY A WEEK This Entrepreneur More Than Doubled His Revenue 20 COACHING: It’s An Ongoing Process 22 SEVEN SIGNS YOU ARE GOING TO BE SUCCESSFUL 24 TOPGRADING SNAPSHOT How I Avoided A Costly Mis-Hire In One Minute 26 RISK MANAGEMENT With Miller Insurance Welcome to the spring edition of Miller Insurance Risk & Business Magazine. As a business owner, you understand that success comes from strong and innovative partnerships. That is the way we feel at Miller Insurance Brokers. As your business evolves and adapts, so too should your insurance policy and your insurance broker. That is why we invest so heavily in technology and education. We want to make sure that we are able to look after our client partners in the way that best serves them, whether that’s through our client self-serve portal—Miller Express—or our 24/7 Claims Hotline. Just as industries are constantly changing, so too are insurance companies. We work hard to ensure that our brokers receive the training they need to know exactly who is going to provide the best protection for your business now and in the future. And while it’s hard to predict what the future holds and what new technology will be the next game changer, we do know that as your insurance broker, we need to be able to work with you to adjust your insurance program for the challenges you face. I encourage you to contact any of our experienced professionals for advice and counsel on insurance and risk-management related matters. We are also happy to provide a no-obligation review and audit of your insurance program. Sincerely, 28 IN OUR COMMUNITY Miller Insurance 29 MILLER GRADUATES Congratulations 30 MEET THE TEAM Our Commercial And Farm Insurance Specialist Todd Farrell President MILLERINSURANCE.CA 5